Part 17

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Trinity Clark-

I woke up the next day on Cameron's bed, but he wasn't next to me. Which was weird because I'm always the one to wake up first. I looked around the room and he wasn't anywhere. Not even the bathroom. I went down stairs into the living room and kitchen and he was no where to be found. I went back upstairs and looked into Nash's room. He was gone too. Where is everybody? I asked myself. I went back into Cam's room and grabbed my phone, I noticed I had a text from him so I opened it.

Cam: 'Went shopping with Nash  for the party tomorrow! Be back soon x'

So that explains my constant boredom of looking for the two. I decided to change into an outfit which was just some black shorts, a blue crop top, with a black flannel. I decided to text Daisey,

Me: 'hey wanna come shopping with me for the party tomorrow?' I pressed send.

I then proceeded to put blue bobby socks, and put on my black converse. I heard my phone make a bling sound so I grabbed it and check the notification. It was Daisey's reply,

Daisey: 'sure sounds fun. I'll be ready in 20!' I read.

I had enough for a Starbucks run, so I grabbed my small bag, my phone, and my keys and left the apartment.
I went down to the parking garage and got into my car. I pressed the talk button on my car "nearest Starbucks" I asked. Then on the screen, the gps directed me to the closest Starbucks which was 5 minutes away, so I started to drive there. Once I got there, there was a huge line. There were at least five cars ahead of me, but a few minutes later the line passed and it was my turn to order.
"Hi, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you today?" A jolly lady spoke from the speaker. "Hi, can I get two venti caramel frappuccino with extra caramel on both?" I said loudly into the speaker. "Alright, will that be all?" She asked. "Yes, thank you." I said. I drove up to the empty spot ahead of me and waited for the car in front of me to get their stuff and go.
Once they left, I drove up to the window. "Hi, $11.53 is your total." She smiled. I handed her a twenty dollar bill and she went off to get me my change. When she came back she gave me my change and 2 straws. I sat in the car listening to music and waiting for my drinks to come. The little window opened and the lady handed me the two venti drinks, "thank you have a good one." She said. "Thanks, you too." I smiled and drove off.

I started to drive to Daisey's place which was not to far from here. When I got there, I got off of my car and took the stairs up to her apartment with her Starbucks in my hand. I went up to her door and knocked on it three times and I waited for her to answer.
She opened the door, "Surprise!" I cheered waving the Starbucks drink in front of her. "Oh my gosh, you're a life saver! I've had a major Starbucks withdraw for the past 3 days!" She said and took the drink from my hand. "Ready to go?" I asked. She nodded yes and grabbed her bag and we went back down to the visitor parking. I unlocked my car with the key fob and we got in. "So what stores are you gonna check out at the mall?" She asked as I started the car and began to head for the mall. "Eh, I don't know. I just know I want a cute dress and heels." I answered her, "anyways, I'm sure Nash would love to see you at the party tomorrow night, so why don't you look for something cute too?" I winked at her. She blushed a light pink making me laugh.

Once we go to the mall we instantly went to Victoria Secret and bought our selves a little secret of our own *wink wink* if you know what I mean.. We bought lingerie. Daisey got crimson lace, and I got black lace. You know anything could happen? Not that I'd do anything with Cameron, but someone could come along and want a taste of me, right? Even though I'm basically dating Cam.. Anyways..
"So, are you gonna wear a dress?" I ask Daisey. "I think so, why?" She answered me. "Gasp! Daisey Rios! Wearing a dress!? Impossible." I laughed. "Hey! What's wrong with me wearing a dress?" She shrugged. "Nothing, you just NEVER wear dresses! You're girly punk, D." I said to her. "Fine, I'll prove you wrong, butt face!" She laughed. "Okay, fine. But it has to be very sexy for you know who." I winked at her, punching her shoulder lightly.
I knew a couple of stores with dresses we could check out. There was Express, Chanel, Forever 21, and Windsor. Those are the top places I've bought my dresses at in the past. "Let's head to Express?" I asked Daisey who nodded her head and we walked into the store.
We were looking through the store and didn't find anything! It was mostly classy, or for older women.

We went on to Chanel and it was the same thing there too. Which I sort of expected but I went for Daisey because they have black dresses there and Daisey loves her black. "Come on, let's go to Forever!" Daisey said, pointing to the store which was a few stores down.

We started walking to the store when suddenly Daisey pointed her finger to Tilly's, "Hey, isn't that Nash and Cam?" She questioned. I looked over to where she was pointing and saw the two boys "hmm, yeah it is." I answered her. I sort of got butterflies and happy seeing Cameron. I normally wake up next to him, and today I didn't. "Wanna go say hi?" Daisey asked me. "Mmm, nah let them have their guy time, we'll probably see them later. Plus, we haven't had a 'T and D' shopping spree in forever." I told her. "True," she said and wrapped her arm around mine and we walked to Forever 21!

Authors Note:

Aw, T & D are the cutest besties ever❤️
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I had writers block, then started getting ready for school, and my mom disconnected my phone and still has it so I'm on my iPod for now. So I'm sorry😩
Please comment & Vote! Updating soon😏 byeee!

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