Part 24

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Trinity Clark-

The rest of the day was pretty boring. We just hung out at the apartment and played the ps4. Cam let me make an account on his ps4 as a "welcome to our home" it was a cute gesture.

\\ the next morning //

Cameron Dallas-

I woke up way too early. It was 7 a.m but we have that interview at 10. I tried getting up but I noticed that Trin was holding my arm, which I didn't mind but it doesn't help the fact that I'm going crazy for her and that we could never be. "Ah fuck it." I said to myself. "Trin," I said as I kissed her forehead and went down to her cheek, and then her chin. "Mmm," she groaned. "Alright then, guess I gotta do a little more.." I said. I started leaving wet slow kisses on her neck. She pulled my hair and moaned lightly. "Ah, you like that baby girl?" I whispered into her neck. Suddenly she pushed me off of her and got on top of me, and she started to leave wet kisses on my neck. "Don't wake me up like that again, or I'm gonna take pictures of you naked while you sleep and leak them online." She smirked. "Note taken.. I guess I'll have to find another way to wake you up." I winked.
She got off of me and went into the bathroom and started to shower. She usually takes a while so I went to go take a shower in the hallway.

Trinity Clark-

I finished showering and started to dry my body off with my towel. I didn't wash my hair because it takes forever to dry and that dumb interview 10. I came out of the restroom wrapped in my towel and Cam came in at the same time with a towel wrapped around his waist. He closed the door behind him and locked it... Cam started to quickly walk up to me and push me against the wall, he removed my towel and started to grab my ass and run his hands over my boobs. He kissed and bit my neck, "Daddy is going to fuck you so hard," he said...
"Trin..? Hello... Trinity?" Cameron said from across the room, making me snap out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I said. "Come on, let's get ready we don't have all day," he laughed as he got an outfit out of his closet and stood at the bathroom door, "as much as I would love and watch you change, I'll let you have your privacy." He winked as he closed the sliding door into his bathroom. What a weirdo. I quickly went to the drawer and put on the Calvin Klein underwear he bought me. Then I went over to the closet to pick out an outfit. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and rolled them up, with a pair of faux leather boots, a olive green heather shirt, a necklace with a black rock at the end, and a gold watch with a black leather strap. Then I just put my hair into a messy bun. Slapped on some mascara and eyeliner with matte burgundy lip stick.
At the same time, Cam came out of the restroom looking so hot. He was wearing a short sleeve button up that was black, and khaki skinny jeans, with the black high top vans. "Mmm, baby girl looks so good." He growled as he push me into the bed and kissed my lips.. I'm sure this is real.. I'm sure it.. I kissed his lips back. "We should get going before we're late.
This time we took his Range Rover to the place.

\\ later at the magazines building //

We walked into the building holding hands it felt good, I didn't mind it at all. We were greeted by a guy with a suit and glasses on, "Hi, I'm Daniel. You guys must be the adorable couple here for the interview! Right this way." He said. He led us up these marble grand stairs and we went down the this long hallway and into a room with a white leather couch, a mini bar, a coffee machine, and a little glass table with a pen and note pad, and white leather stool. "Christine will be here soon to interview you." Daniel said and he walked out of the room. Cam and I just made our way to the leather couch and sat there. "Okay, whatever they ask just answer and make it sound natural and some cute lovey dovey crap so they don't catch on to us." Cam said. I just nodded in agreement.
Suddenly a woman in an all white suit walked in "Hello, sorry I'm late. Some jack ass parked in my spot and I towed his car," She laughed "I'm Christine. Can I interest you in a cocktail, some win, maybe even some coffee, a water?" She asked. "Oh, no thank you I'm fine." I said. "Yeah same here." Cam replied. "Alrighty let's get started! We saw the pictures from the photoshoot. They were absolutely gorgeous and sexy, I loved it. People are gonna love it. Now let's get on with the questions shall we?" She said as she grab the note pad and the pen.

"Cameron, what's your favorite thing about Trinity?" She asked.
"Well, I love a lot of things about her. She's funny, she's quirky, and beautiful, but I think my most over all favorite thing about her is her smile and her strong personality." Cameron answered and kissed my cheek. Making me blush.
Christine wrote it down on her notepad and looked back up.

"Trinity, what's one thing you hate about Cameron?" She asked me. Crap, I thought she was gonna ask me the same thing.. "Uh, that's a hard one because there's so little that I hate about him. Well, I hate when he buys me things when I can buy them myself, it's embarrassing." I answered. She wrote that on her notepad as well. "You don't have to buy yourself that stuff, I wanna spoil you babe." Cameron held my hand.

"Cameron, if you had to chose between your own paradise and Trinity, which would you choose?" Christine asked. "Uh, that's funny. I would pick Trinity because when I'm with her she IS my paradise, I love being with her." Cameron smiled at me. Christine wrote that down on her notepad then looked at me.

"Trinity, I suppose both of you live together and share a bed, what's your favorite thing about sleeping with Cameron?" She asked. "Oh, I love waking up first than him and watching him sleep so calmly, I also love laying my head on his chest and listening to his steady heart beat.. I love feeling the warmth of his body next time." I bit my lip and blushed. I heard her writing it down then look at Cameron.

Last question for both of you, "where do you see your relationship in the future?"

Cameron started to speak, "I'm gonna be honest, I hope to own a big house with her and be successful together, and to spoil her even more. Make her my queen someday." Cameron answered with a blush. "And you, Trinity?" She looked at me. Oh crap.. I better make this sound amazingly genuine.
"Well, I just want more happiness and more love with him. I want to see myself walk down the isle and him waiting at the end in tears with a tux. I want two little kids, one boy and one girl running around making a mess." I answered.

"Very sweet. Well we're done here. Thanks for your time and your answers. Look out for the magazine this weekend!" She cheered and walked out.

Cameron and I got up from the couch and I wrapped my arm around his and we started to walk out of the building. "You're getting crazy good at acting," I said to Cam. "Eh, it's not really acting anymore." He said and looked down at me smiling. "Well, since your being honest, I wasn't acting either." I blushed.
"Even the kid and marriage part?" He teased me. "Eh, I don't know about that. Let me finish college first." I laughed.
"Whatever you say babe, let's just go grab a bite. I'm hungry!" He said. "Aw, my big boy hungry?" I teased him back.

We got into his Range Rover and made our way to Applebee's since it was cheap and close to us. Cameron even called it another date, which I guess it was. I guess Cameron likes me, and I like him too but I want him to say something before I say anything. "Babe, you're so beautiful." He said to me from his side of the booth. "And you're so handsome." I smiled and held his hand above the table. It's insane how much I like him.

* authors note *
Little cheesy and a bit dirty chapter but I hope you like❤️ vote and comment please and thank you :)

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