Part 1

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You hunched your shoulders, pulling your hands up to your mouth, trying to warm them up with your breath. It worked for a minute.

Frowning you shoved your hands into your pockets instead, feeling your beanie shift higher up on your head. Annoyed, you kicked at the snow on the sidewalk, immediately yelping, hopping to avoid putting weight on your throbbing toes.

The snow had turned out to be an ice block.

You growled, annoyed. Today was not your day. You chewed on your lip.

You needed a fucking cigarette.

With a goal in mind you jogged across the street, narrowly missing getting hit by a taxi careening way too quickly for the condition of the roads. Pissed you scooped up dirty snow, pegging the back passenger window. Middle finger in the air as you yelled at the driver.

"Fucking prick." You hissed, spinning back around.

The need for your fix grew. Your heart lifted a little at the sight of the convenience shop tucked by an alley. You sighed, breath rising in a gust of steam.

And a figure, gigantic, turned the corner. And just stood there in front of the store. Nerves pitched up. Why the fuck were they loitering? You felt your mouth twist into a sneer. Did they have nothing better to do? And who the fuck has the audacity to grow that large anyway?

You eyed the figure in humongous canvas shoes, ripped jeans with chains, a gigantically baggy sweater that bulged in odd places, and an oversized baseball cap.

You neared, feeling like this person grabbed whatever they could find in a fucking lost and found box. It hit you suddenly, as the shadowed face turned to you, hands tucked in the front pocket.


Pity gripped you.

You'd been there. You knew.

"Hey." You approached cautiously, ducked into their line of vision. "Do you…" you gestured into the store. "You know. Need anything?"

"Like what?" The gruff voice rattled you.

"I…" it took a minute to gather your thoughts. "I dunno." You looked at his hands tucked in his pocket. "A hot drink?"

He seemed to flinch. "Are you… pitying me?" 

You frowned. "No. I'm doing a good fucking deed." You snapped back.

"Don't stroke your holier than thou ego using me as a spring board." He snapped, squaring up.

His eyes flashed in the darkness of his hood, a mask over his mouth. He seemed to unfold, and just keep unfolding. It was then you realized how huge he was. Easily pushing seven feet. And probably three of you wide, at least. Massive. Fear suddenly filled you. He could break you if he wanted.

"Fine " You snapped, grabbing the door. "Fucking freeze then, asshole."

You hurried into the shop, immediately checking the corners for cameras. Adrenaline pulsed inside of you as you made your way to the back of the store. Putting distance between yourself and the jerkwad.

Opening a cooler door you pulled out a soda. Looked over your shoulder. He was still there, red sweater brilliant against the dreary January morning. Shaking it off you walked an aisle, grabbing a bag of chips.

You looked again. He was still there. You couldn't help but wonder if he was waiting for you to come back out. Or if he was waiting for someone.

A drug deal. You decided, settling on a pack of gum and a candy bar.

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