Part 14

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You sniffled, burying your face in the sweater as you yawned. Looking over at Raph. He was unfazed by the cold, striding through the streets like he owned them. With the way people parted, you could believe it.

"Do you usually walk?" You weren't complaining, but your shins felt hollow after hours of traversing alleyways and side streets.

Raph slowed, "No."

That took you back a minute. "Then, how-" you trailed off as he pointed.


You felt your eyes widen. "Oh."

"Can't really travel via roof carrying you around."

"What?" You looked at him, "why not?"

Raph rubbed the back of his head, sticking his other hand in the sweater pocket. "What if you get hurt?"

His admission worked a smile on your face. You bumped your shoulder into him, "Let's give it a try." You yawned wide, feeling Raph's dubious gaze on you.

"You're sure?" His voice low.

"Yeah." You shrugged. "Worse thing that can happen is I plummet to my death." You peeked at him as he twitched. "You won't let that happen." You teased, "Let's go."

Raph stopped moving, looked around. Nodded. He grabbed your hand, dragging you into an alleyway.

"What time is it anyway?" You yawned again, bringing tears to your eyes.

"I dunno." Raph looked around, striding through the alley.

You pulled out your phone, flipped it on. "It's three am." You checked the battery life, then the date.

You blinked, checking it again. Pocketing your phone. "Do you know what today is?"

"Uh-uh." Raph pushed a dumpster to the side.

"Okay." You looked around, spotting a dandelion that had gone to fluff growing in the corner where the building met asphalt.

You picked it, ignoring Raph watching you curiously. You brought the flower to him, smiling wide.

"Raphael." You presented your gift. "Will you be my valentine?"

His face went blank. Gaze darted to the flower, you. Back.

"What?" He finally responded.

You frowned, feeling nervous now. "It's Valentine's Day. Officially." You twirled the weed. "Like, three in the morning so." You motioned. "Wanna be my valentine?"

"I-" He seemed to be stuck on the thought, but he took the flower from you. A little robotically. "Uh. Yeah." The word breathed out of him in a laugh.

"Oh good." You moved to his side, "had me worried for a second."

"I, uh." He wasn't crying, but you could tell it was a heavy moment for him. The way he kept staring at the flower. The emotion in his eyes. "I've never been someone's valentine before."

You put your hand on his arm, leaning towards him, trying to comfort him. Kissing his bicep. You might not have had much luck with romance, but even as a child in school you'd participated in passing out cards, candies. The few dedicated parents who made their kids bring flowers.

It hurt you to know Raph never experienced that.

"You gunna make a wish?" Voice quiet, allowing him to process.

His gaze flit to you, and he brought the flower up and blew. All the seeds fell off in a gust. Danced on the air like fairies.

"Pretty." You commented absently. "What'd you wish for?"

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