Part 3

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The fire raged, you watched the duffle bag crisp. Turn to ash. The smoke changed from grey to black as the rubber in the shoes started melting. The smell was atrocious. You covered your nose, eyes watering.

But it was necessary. You stood, watching it all burn. Adding a touch more lighter fluid. Your nose was freezing. Started running as the embers died down. You checked your phone, ignoring the hundreds of voicemail.

Still no Todd. It made you uneasy.

Shutting the screen off you tucked it into your pants pocket, snuggling down into the clean collar of your jacket as you sifted through the burn pile, making sure everything was unrecognizable.

"Well." You announced to no one. "Success breakfast."

You made your way through the crowd, finding yourself in front of a familiar convenience store. It nagged at you, why it was ringing bells in your head, until you saw the giant guy in front of the door again.

"Hey!" You jogged over, waving. "Ron!"

He turned toward you, stiffened. "Raph." He corrected as you stopped beside him.


"My name." He growled. "It's Raph."

"Okay." You rolled your eyes. "Raph."

"Why'd ya even ask if you weren't going to remember?"

"But!" You pointed out. "We did run into each other again." You leaned beside him, craning your neck to look up. "I was about to grab some food, want something?"

His shoulders bunched and he looked away. "No."

"M'kay." You looked across the street. "Waiting for the kids again?"

He spun on you, "What do you know about those kids?"

The sudden aggression startled you. You looked up into his face, again obscured by shadow and mask. But this close you could see his hazel eyes, the odd texture of his skin.

"You picked them up last time, genius." You snipped pushing him away. Shocked at how solid he was. "What're you made of?" You pushed at him again to test the resistance of his chest. "Bricks?"

"I work out." His reply was stilted. "Stay away from the kids." A thinly veiled threat.

"Calm down, Rocky." You tsked. "I'm not interested in your kids."

"They ain't mine."

That piqued your interest. But your stomach was cramping. "Hold that thought."

You ducked into the store. Thinking. You didn't want to get him a shitty coffee, but you didn't think he'd be a hot chocolate kind of guy. You grabbed a bag of donuts. Some more gum. Hesitated, grabbed another pack.

Setting them on the counter you snagged yourself a hazelnut coffee. Regular black for Big Ben outside.

"This all for you today?" The cashier was a girl this time.

"Yeah." You grinned, slapping a twenty down. Snagging all your change greedily. "Thank you."

The cashier didn't respond, but it didn't matter. You exited with your goods in tow, thrusting the coffee at Raph. Marveling at his hands as he grabbed it.

"Your finger is, like, two and a half of mine." You put your fingers together to compare when he pulled away. "You're not very sociable."

His agreement sounded like a growl.

"So, not your kids." His exasperation was palpable.

"Why is it you gotta play twenty questions every time you see me." It wasn't a question, but it struck you.

You took a sip, recoiled, blowing on your tongue best you could. "'S hot." You explained, catching the look Raph was giving you.

He rolled his eyes, taking a drink.

"Are you as solid on the inside?" You were incredulous. "This shit's boiling. I could sue for attempt on my person. And you're just guzzling it down like nothing."

"I'm not fragile." He took another drink, pinning you with a look.

You smiled. "Was that a joke?"

"It was a fact " He tossed the empty cup, making it again.

"Jesus." You muttered.

"They're my brothers." The words startled you. It took a moment to understand.

"Oh. The kids." You tapped your cup. "You have brothers?"

Raph nodded, not elaborating.

"I…" you frowned. "I had family."

You felt him tense, look at you.

"So what's your deal with the shop owner?" You smiled, trying to deflect. You hadn't meant to reveal that about yourself. You hadn't meant to be emotionally vulnerable.

Raph crossed his arms, watching you rip into the donuts. "I'm big, he's small. A little late in the day for breakfast."

"Meh." You took a bite, realization dawning on you. "That's-" you coughed, swallowed. It hurt, you should have chewed more. "That's it? That's the whole deal?"

Raph shrugged. "Guess so."

That really pissed you off, but you wouldn't let it ride. "Why do you pick up your brother's kids?" 

"You've asked your three questions." Raph held up a hand. "We're done."

You gaped at him. "Excuse me?" Your hands shifted between the two of you. "I thought we were building a rapport. I thought we were getting to know one another." You leaned against him, quickly backtracking at his cold glare. "Besties."

His arms rippled as he flexed. "We're not besties."

"I bought you coffee!" You exclaimed, exaggerating your heartbreak. "Twice!" You held up your fingers to emphasize.

You frowned, looking at your feet as Raph remained silent.

"You hear about that Foot Clan incident the other day?" You wanted to talk to him more, but it wasn't a good topic based on his reaction.

"Why?" His tone sharp, he faced you now, completely invested. "What did you hear?"

You hesitated. Shrugged. "The news was on. Said there's a new gang out there to replace the vacuum left behind." You fell against the wall, finally able to drink your own coffee. "I think it's weird." You looked at Raph, feeling his discomfort. "Shredder vanishes, the Foot are all but wiped out. And this new group, never heard of them before-"

Raph snorted, "What's it matter if you've heard of them before?"

It dawned on you that Raph wasn't homeless. He had no idea how your world worked.

"I know things." You brushed him off. "And I haven't known about these guys before." You frowned at your drink, holding it in both hands. "You know, though. The Clan did have issues with an opposing force for years." Your mind working. "What if these are the same guys?"

"What if." Raph muttered, obviously not interested in your ramblings.

"Just thinking out loud." You waved a hand, taking a drink as the bus pulled up. "Your kids are here." You perked up around the lid to see the large man tense. "I'll see you."

His only response was a growl as he pushed off the wall. You watched him cross the street, watched the kids flock to him.

It stung. Their happy cries, the change in Raph's demeanor. You walked over to the trash can, dumping your cup, shoving your hands in your pockets.

You wanted someone to be happy to see you like that.

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