Part 10

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It was a little crowded, all of you crammed into Donnie's tech den. You stood directly behind his chair, watching him type numbers into the satellite map.

It zoomed in. But it was wrong. You frowned as he leaned back to look at you.

"This?" He nodded at the little blue house on the screen.

"No." You knew you sounded confused. "No. It's a huge warehouse." You motioned, "the front door is metal and squeaks when it opens and closes."

Donnie nodded slowly. "Might be trying to mask the true location by putting up a false image."

"They can… do that?" You weren't sure why you found that unbelievable.

"Oh yeah." Donnie's fingers flew across the keyboards, pulling up lines and lines of code. "It's not easy, per se." He continued, eyes scanning the lines. "But if you're doing something illegal you can pay to mask things." He highlighted a chunk. Erased it. "Not that it helps if you visit the place physically of course." He chuckled.

"Right." The word drawled out of Raph, who shifted behind you, arms crossed. "Just get on with it nerd."

"Hey." Leo pointed, stern. "No."

"Oh." Mikey sounded gleeful. "Dad's mad."

"I'm not-" Leo tsked, pinching the space between his eyes. "Whatever."

"Here." Donnie pulled up an image.

You recognized it immediately. "Yes." You nodded once. "There." You scanned the address, completely sure. "The meeting area is towards the back?" 

"When do you meet them next?" Raph shifted away from you.

"Tomorrow night." You couldn't look at him. Couldn't bear the disappointment on his face. "At 8."

"Okay." Leo's hand on your shoulder. "I think you should stay here till the time comes." He glanced at Raph, who hissed out a breath. "It'll be safer this way."

"For who, exactly?" Raph snapped.

"All of us." Leo straightened, meeting Raph's gaze. "They're shooting people, Raph. We don’t want them dead. And we can keep an eye on you," Eyes pinned you, everyone shifted to look at you. "Make sure you aren't giving away our location or anything."

You bristled. "I wouldn't!" You protested.

"We just don't know that." Mikey shook his head sadly, pressing a hand to his chest dramatically. "I trust you, for the record."

Leo frowned, hesitating.

"Leo." Raph's voice was a warning.

"Mikey's instinct hasn't failed us yet." Leo shrugged. "Maybe think of that before you pass your judgment." He hand pat your shoulder as he yawned. "I'm going home."

That gave you pause. "I thought you guys all lived here?" You craned your gaze to Raph.

"Why you askin?" His eyes narrowed. "Need to-"

"Nope." Donnie adjusted his glasses. "Leon's basically married. He's got the three kids and wife thing on lock."

"We're not-" Leo tried.

"Cutest nephews ever." Mikey interrupted.

Leo flung his hands up, eyes roving to the ceiling. "I'm out."

"Give the wife a kiss from us!" Mikey hollered, rewarded with a pebble to the face. "Ow." He hissed, rubbing the spot it hit. "Rude?"

You chuckled. Quickly falling silent as Raph shoved past you, chasing after Leo.

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