Part 21

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"Hey." You stopped in front of the hotel room, "I'm here now." You set down the leftovers to dig through your pockets for your door key.


You huffed a chuckle at Raph's reluctance to let you go, picking tye food back up and kicking the door closed behind you.

"Raphael!" You breathed, turning on the lights. "I have avjob interview tomorrow. I gotta go to bed." You double checked the clock on yhe nightstand. "You guts kept me up way past my bedtime "

Raph scoffed on the other line. "It's only 11:30. What are you? Eighty?"

You gasped in mock offense. "I did not ask for this ageist slander!"

The line fell quiet. "I miss you." Raph admitted, voice heavy.

"I was just there." Your grin widened, you closed the mini fridge and fell on the bed, drawing your knees to your chest.

"Yeah, I know." His voice a purr. "But I didn't get to do anything I wanted to."

You ducked your face behind your knees. "That's what happens with kids." You breathed. "Though I think your nerdy sci-fi cartoon is growing on me " You laughed at Raph's spluttering.


You nodded, "I'm sorry."

"You should be." He interjected.

"But-" you continued. "It is nerdy."

"Now who's slandering?" Raph's voice soft, heavy. Like honey. "I want to touch you."

You shivered, hating the way he could commandeer a conversation like that. Loving the way he could commandeer a conversation.

"I want you to touch me too." You admitted, toes wiggling. "But it's not like it'll be forever." You tried to assuage him.

"It might be." His response stilled you.

"What?" It was crisp.

You heard Raph groan. Could picture him rubbing the back of his neck, or running a hand over his face. "I just." He tsked. "It's a me thing."

"Well," you let your legs dangle, falling back on the bed. "Now it's an us thing. Dish."

"What if you find someone else?" The insecurity in his voice hurt you.

"If I find someone else," you shook your head. "Then there's ultimately nothing you can do about it."

"Gee," Raph's tone was dry. "Thanks. That's real reassuring."

"I mean, you could-" you cut yourself off. "You could find someone too."

"Real funny."

You winced. "You could."

"The odds are vastly different." Raph sounded annoyed now. "But I get what you're trying, and failing miserably-"

"Hey!" You frowned.

"To say." Raph finished.

"Good!" You rolled over. "You are in control of you."

"It… scares me though."

You felt your heart twist. You closed your eyes, trying to muster up the courage.

"Well," Raph interrupted. Your concentration flying out the window. "I'll see you in a couple days?"

"Uh." You frowned, nodded. "Yeah. For coffee?"

You heard Raph suck in a breath, like he was going to tell you something. Then thought better of it. "Yeah," was all he said. "Same place."

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