Part 7

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You stepped out of the shower, not sure how long you'd been in there. You felt clean. Thoroughly clean. It was glorious.

No greasy hair, no dirt trapped under your clipped nails, freshly shaved. You ran a hand over your arm, still wet. No grit on your skin.

You pulled down a towel from the rack, not sure if it was clean or dirty.

But, you shrugged, drying off, their dirty is my clean so.

You hesitated, taking the towel with you. It shocked you to find your previously wet and dirty clothes were gone off the bathroom floor. Suspicious you opened the door a crack.

Laying there was a tank and a pair of shorts. You reached out, trying to stay hidden, grabbing the garments like a gremlin. Wrapping your hair in the towel, pulling on the clothes. They were slightly too big.

You pulled the shorts up, tied them as tight as you could. Still they fell down after a few steps. You frowned at your reflection. The shirt was hanging off you, revealing too much.

Well, you felt like it was too much. At least in front of Raph. You ran a hand over your face, glaring at your reflection.

"You are not bashful." You scolded. "You've shit in front of strangers. You can do this."

You puffed out your chest, caught your reflection, exhaled and pulled the shirt higher up. Shook your head. 

Stupid. Exited the room.

Cautiously you peered around, only to find no one. The ground was cold on your bare, clean feet. You bent over to look at the lack of dirt, causing the towel you'd forgotten about to topple.

"God-" you grabbed it, yanking it off your head. "Damn it."


The unfamiliar voice made you jump to attention. Pushing your hair out of your face you turned.

"Hi." It was uneasy, bashful. You felt even more exposed than before.

He was obviously elderly, by the graying on his muzzle. Whiskers twitched. Somehow a mutant rat didn't surprise you.

"And who are you, stranger in my home?" His cane tapped.


Raph appeared, interrupting you. "Dad."

That gave you pause. Your extended hand dropped for a second. You turned to Raph, not too subtle as you motioned between the two.

"Your dad?" It squeezed between clenched teeth. You turned back to him. "I am so sorry." You felt embarrassed. "I had no idea-"

He hummed, brow raised. "I gathered as much."

"This is someone we're interrogating later." Raph explained, stepping between you and his father, blocking your view of him. You craned to look around Raph.

Waved at the way the rat looked between you two. He sighed. "This is the second time my sons have brought a stranger here without telling me."

Raph stiffened, you watched his fists clenching as he fell to his knees. "I apologize, Master Splinter."

"Oh." You popped a hand over your mouth. "Y'all got them weird family dynamics."

Raph growled, turning to stare at you. And boy did he stare. Pulling a double take, eyes raking up your body, zeroing in on your exposed skin. You felt yourself flush from the examination, attempting to cover yourself with your arms.

"Raphael." Splinter's cane snapped as sharply as his voice. "I am too old for this bullshit."

You tried to smother your laugh as Splinter turned to leave. Raph's jaw was on the floor. You crouched beside him, hand on his shoulder.

"I like him." You nodded, patting Raph. "Also, you feel really cool." Your fingers rubbed his skin. "Kinda bubbly. Is that a tattoo?"

A rumble from his chest as he pushed you off him. Stood.

"Yes." He snarled, looking at you, quickly away.

You felt miffed. You guys had been making such good progress. You tilted your head.

Then again I did rat him out to some random gang. You bit your lip, rubbing your arm. Not sure that qualifies us as close.

"Uh," you moved to the kitchen, leaning on the counter across from him. "I'm sorry for imposing on you like this." You tried, feeling weepy again. An outcast among outcasts.

You wiped at your face, not wanting to cry for a third time. You sighed, blinking. Not wanting to open your eyes. So very tired all of a sudden.

"Is there, like-" you tried to tamp down your fluttering breaths, the burning behind your eyes. Fists clenched. "Somewhere I can sleep?" You peeked up, immediately dropping your gaze to the counter.

Raph was watching you with unflinching scrutiny. 

"Yes." He answered with a grunt, standing. "This way."

You wiped your eyes, following through the labyrinth. Past another room, a wall of screens. Another of boom boxes.

"Your place is pretty sweet." You whistled low.

"It's a Samurai mask." Raph cast a glance over his shoulder. "My tattoo." Fingers tapped the skin.

You nodded. "What about this?" Your fingers grazed down his shell.

You felt Raph shiver before he spun out of your reach.

"Do not touch my shell." His voice trembled, chest rising and falling rapidly.

You cocked your head, grinning. "Did you like it that much?"

"Wha-" He sneered, "Of course I didn't!"

You dropped your gaze pointedly. "I'm not so sure your body agrees." You snapped your tongue against your teeth, watching Raph look down.

Shoulders stiffened, his whole body became wooden as you moved closer.

"I wasn't lying earlier." You dipped into his bubble. "I think you're attractive." You watched his eyes drop to the view down your shirt.

Heard him swallow.

"I think you like me too." You moved closer. Grabbed his hand, wrapped it around your waist. "Am I wrong?"

Raph was breathing hard. "No." He didn't pull away though. His thumb rubbing against you through the fabric.

"Wanna try it?" You offered, shivering a little as his fingers tightened, gripping your back.

"Try?" You could see Raph's brain short circling. "Try what?"

You leaned back, put a hand on his face. He leaned into the connection after a moment of hesitation.

"Sex, Raph." You were blunt about it. 

He froze. His entire body rooted in place. You giggled. 

"If you don’t want to, that's fine too." You looked into his wide open eyes. "No pressure."

You felt him loosen, worry on his face. "If I say no I might not ever get the opportunity again." He frowned. "But I don't know you. And I've-" He clamped his mouth shut, pulling away. "People aren't exactly stumbling over themselves."

"You're right." You pat his plastron, pushing off him. "It's too soon."

But his grip tightened. Pulled you against him. He ducked his head, burying his nose in the crook of your neck and inhaled.

"Is it bad that I want to?" His voice, deep and husky, made you want to melt.

"No." You smiled, dropping a hand down to feel his erection. His shudder was delicious.

You wanted more.

"You're sure?" Raph looked into your eyes.

You nodded, pulling his face to yours, feeling his body turn to jello as you kissed him.

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