Part 9

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Voices roused you.

Whispering directly behind you. You blinked, yawned, stretched. Heard the door close.


You felt yourself beam with contentment. "Raph." There was a sigh in your smile as you spun to face him.

He looked tired. You brushed your fingers against his hand, spurring him to crouch beside you.

"Sleep well?" His hand stroked your hair. 

You shifted closer, nodding. Frowning. "What happened here?" Your fingers brushed the oddly colored patch on his chest. You'd meant to ask earlier too. When you'd been- you ducked your head, suddenly embarrassed at the memory of riding Raph so unabashed last night.

His fingers encased your own, pushing them against the slightly different textured skin. "I had a pretty serious wound." Raph's eyes watched your reaction. "Needed a graft."

"What?" Your eyes widened as you sat, ignoring the cold air against your skin. "But you're okay now?"

His head tilted. As though your concern confused him. Nodded. He grabbed the blanket, wrapping you in it.

The gesture confused you, till you noticed the way his eyes fluttered, fingers gripping your shoulders tightly.

"Hey." You whispered, turning his head towards you. "Are you feeling okay?"

He lurched, tugging his face out of your hand. "I'm-" He exhaled hard. "I'm sorry. About last night."

That took you back. You drew the blanket tighter around you, pulling away, scooting further back on the bed.

"No." He ran a hand over his face, teeth clenched on the toothpick in his mouth.

Suddenly you were craving a cigarette.

"I don't regret." Raph motioned. "You. Just. Just how it happened. Like… like it was repayment or something. Like I took advantage of you."

Oh. You felt your body melt. "Raph." You relaxed. "No." You moved closer, letting the blanket fall. "If anything I took advantage of you." You crawled into his lap, sighing as his arms wrapped around you. Nuzzled into the thick texture of his chest. "I didn't mean to make you do anything you were uncomfortable with. I genuinely enjoyed you." You tilted your head to capture his gaze. "I'd love to enjoy you again."

An odd hum thrilled out of his throat, nose. You leaned back as he slapped a hand over his adam's apple, his mouth. Eyes wide.

"That's not normal for you?" You kicked your feet a little. "It's so cute!"

"'M not cute." He growled.

"Adorable." You pinched his cheeks.

Raph grabbed your hands, looking at them cradled in his own. Abruptly he pulled you in close, startling you.

"I really like you." He admitted.

You felt guilt consume you. "Are your brothers going to kill me after the interrogation?" You joked, patting his back.

He hesitated, pulled away. "Depends on what you tell us." He responded.

You couldn't tell if he was joking or serious. Wide eyed you watched him move to his feet, pulling you up too.

"Get dressed. I've got different clothes set out already." He demanded, motioning to the dresser. He was certainly not the soft, compliant Raphael he had been in bed. "We'll be waiting for you in the kitchen."

You watched him leave, heart sinking. You were going to have to tell him everything. And suddenly you were keenly aware that you wanted Raph to like you.

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