Part 23

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You walked slower than usual. Your first day on the job had wrecked you. You never imagined actual work, trying to learn the ropes, was so grueling. You peeked up to your meeting place with Raph, stopping short.

He wasn't there, but a woman was.

Confused you moved closer, staring - not really meaning to. You crossed the street, nearing her. Shocked when she turned and smiled, like she'd been expecting you.

The shock lessened when Leo popped out from the store, some treats in hand. She pointed at you, said something you couldn't hear to Leo, who turned and waved you closer, just noticing you.

"No Raph today?" You tilted your head, looking between the two as you neared.

"Nah." Leo seemed jittery. "We're picking up the kids together today."

"Oh?" You were curious.

"Yeah." The woman grinned. "We're moving," her hand draped over Leo's arm affectionately. He returned the gesture without any hesitation.

"Wait." The words took a minute to sink in. You pointed between the two of them. "You're wifey?"

She looked startled, turning her gaze to Leo who was shifting, looking away.

"Am I wifey?" She was beaming, obviously enjoying putting Leo on the spot.

"I-" He huffed, arms waving in front of him. "You know."

"Mmhmm." She crossed her arms, looking satisfied.

"So…" You frowned, looking at the bus stop. "You're moving?"

"Yeah." Leo's response was slow. "I mean, I'll be around obviously. But-"

"I call dibs on your room." Your brow raised at his indignant scoff.

"Just share a room with Raph." He teased. "Less bodily fluids everywhere."

"Don't be gross." Wifey smacked his arm. "They deserve their own space."

"Sure." Leo nodded slowly.

You were surprised at her use of your pronouns. She must have seen it on your face. "Raph has been obsessed with you." She confided.

You flushed, kicking your foot at an invisible rock. "So is today your last day," you motioned, "here?" Eager to change the subject.

Leo shrugged. "Yeah. We got all our stuff in the house already."

"Wow." You whistled. "Fast movers."

Wifey ducked her head. "It's been six months." She defended their relationship.

You waved your hands in front of you. "No judgment." You shrugged. "Raph and I aren't exactly slow moving either."

"Seems to be their m.o.'' she ticked her head towards Leo, who clicked his tongue against his teeth. "But he's right," her hand pat his chest. "We'll still be there often. Nardo's still going to do patrols and stuff."

You nodded. "Yeah."

It struck you as interesting how their relationship moved them out of the brothers family home, and into one of their own.

"Raph said he'd be meeting me here, where is he?" You watched the bus pull up.

"He's being a sh-" Wifey elbowed Leo before trekking across the street, waving her kids down. "Ow." Leo hissed. "Right in the ribs." He turned to you. "She's a natural at finding weak points."

"Probably comes with the whole 'mom' territory." You shrugged

He nodded, eyes narrowing like he hadn't considered it. "Raph's not happy about us moving." He made the phone symbol with his hand, bringing it to his ear. "Maybe call him."

You nodded. "Sure."

"See you." Leo waved, catching his little family waving him over from across the street.

"Go, go." You shooed him. Watching as they all fell in on one another. Pulling out your phone.

"I am so sorry." Greeted you as soon as he picked up.

"Today's the day, dickhead." You swung your duffle bag of belongings around. "And you no show?"

"I'm on my way right now." You could hear him moving around. "Grab me a coffee?"

You couldn't help your grin as you nodded. "Okay." Affection deep in your voice. "Can't wait for you to bring me home." Low and sweet. "Oh! I called dibs on Leo's old room."

Raph breathed out a soft chuckle, "he won't miss it." But it sounded a little bitter.

"Are you-" you inhaled, scared of his answer. "Do you think you'll ever want kids?"

You could hear him pause. "I think," he responded slowly. "That we're not at that point."

"I agree." You opened the door to the shop. "But if-"

"I am happy with whatever you want, and we can always talk it over in the future. When I'm not beatin' the snot out of criminals."

You hummed, grabbing a bag of chips. "I think kid free is good for now, then."

"Yeah." You heard the tinkling of the store door through the phone and in real time.

You turned, grinning wide as Raph searched the store, spotted you. Still talking on the phone as he approached.

"I think that sounds like a great idea." He stood before you, pulling you into his arms. "Now," he killed the call, gently taking yours and pocketing it too. "Let's go home."

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