Part 8

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Raph was too warm. Warmer than usual as he swept you up into his arms as effortlessly as he had the first time.

Strides were long, determined. His face set. Until you got to what could be assumed was his room. You felt his grip on you falter, a crease formed on his forehead. With a tsk you struggled out if his arms, looked at the place.

"Nice." You gave a whistle, flicking the shoes that were too familiar dangling from a bed post. Running a hand over the red comforter. "You guys really leaned hard into the color coding, huh?"

"I guess so." He stepped into the room, watching you tap on a stop sign he'd hung on the wall.

"You know," you motioned to it, "I've heard it's a crime to steal these."

Raph scoffed, sitting beside you on the bed. "Only a crime if you get caught."

That surprised you, you gave a shocked laugh. "I guess that's true." You turned to him, running your fingers over the ridge where his skin turned to plastron. "What do you guys do?"

"We-" He licked his lip, eyes darting. "We fight the bad guys."

"Super heroes?" You hummed. "Scoot back." You demanded, surprised when Raph complied. "You gotta tell me if you don't want this."

You watched Raph work his jaw, eyes landing on you, watching your fingers traverse his body. "I do."

"You seem a little reluctant." You offered, throwing yourself over his lap. Peeling off the too large tank.

"Nope." Eyes dropped to your chest. "I'm good."

That earned a chuckle from you as you draped your arms over his shoulders, grinding into him as you pressed your lips against his. Rewarded with a bone deep shudder from the mutant.

"Open your mouth." You whispered against his lips.

He complied, the obedience sent a shock through you as you pressed your mouth against his, dipping your tongue into his mouth. You felt him melt at the contact.

But it wasn't enough.

"Here." You had to reach for his hands, placing them around your hips. "You can touch me." You assured him. "I won't break."

"But-" his gaze dropped to his fingers encircling you. "What if I hurt you?"

That stabbed through you. You wrapped your arms around him, clinging. "Oh, you can't hurt me." You tried to swallow down the surge of emotion. Leaned back to tilt his face up to you. "You're too good of a person."

He frowned up at you, kissing you this time. His tongue swept over yours, his mouth aggressive in the way he claimed you. One of his hands migrated to hold your head in place, tangling in your hair. Your eyes fluttered closed, fingers digging into his shoulders as your body began moving, asking for more. He tugged your hair, biting your lower lip. Electric sparks bursting behind your closed eyes as you forgot.

Forgot how to breathe, forgot the world around you, forgot what anything else smelled like, felt like, tasted like.

Raph's fingers tightened as his ground against you harder, faster. His kissing becoming desperate, sloppy. Trailing down your chin, neck.

"You gunna cum?" You asked, pressing his face against you, tilting your head back to give him better access.

He growled. The sound vibrating through your body. You shivered.

"Fuck." You felt like your blood was melting to fire as his fingers dug in. As he thrust his erection against you.

Your fingers dug into his skin, raked down. "Raph." It was a breathless moan.

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