Part 2

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Three days. You counted the bills in your hand.

It had been three days of work. And it had finally paid off in a big way. More so than usual. It didn't sit right with you.

"Whattya going to do with that much cash?" Todd leaned on you.

You looked up, watching the electronics get loaded into the back of a van by a group of people in military tech suits. Not nearly as many as there should have been. You looked closer at the clan members. 

Sans guns too. It rankled at you. This was not their m.o.

You shrugged, turning your attention to your partner in crime, peeling off your gloves.

"Gotta destroy the evidence first." You pulled out from under Todd, stuffing the gloves in your pocket. "Where's a fire?"

"Back home." Todd tsked at your eye roll, examining his fingers. "I'm keeping the gloves."

"Dumbass." You muttered, peeling an eye open to remove a colored contact.

"That's disgusting." Todd heaved.

"We're about to wrap up." One of the Clan members approached you. "You should clear the vicinity."

"Yeah, yeah " you waved him off, contact dropping from your finger into the snow. "Shit!" Hurriedly you dropped down, searching desperately.

"It's to the left, no. Left." Todd eased closer, pointed.

"Got it." You leaned back on your heels, pausing. You were sure you saw something above you guys.

You shook your head. A bird, most likely.

"I'm outta here." You turned to Todd, hand extended. "Gimme the bag."

"Aww." Todd whined. "Not gunna enjoy the fruits of our labor?"

He always did this. Invited you to get high with him. It was getting old. "No Todd. That's not for me."

"Fuddy duddy." He pouted  "Fine."

You unzipped the duffle bag, stuffing the Good Buys hat in there, along with your gloves and contacts. Wig followed. You pulled out your employee ID card, the keys you had used to give the Clan access to the store. Zipped it up and stood.

It felt wrong. Something felt off, and you knew better than to ignore your instincts.

The Foot Clan were supposed to be one of the most powerful criminal organizations. You trudged away from the scene of the crime, still in progress.

Why were they resorting to petty theft? Why were they using the forgotten of humanity to get them access to things they should have been able to do on their own? 

It used to be cash for information. It had paid to be the invisible of society. But this was different. They hadn't used these tactics on years.

You turned a corner, pulling out your Goodwill phone. Rolling your eyes at the dead screen that refused to light back up.

"Figures." You hadn't had access to a charger in ages, but still. With the power off.

You had hoped.

But life wasn't like that. If it were, you wouldn't be doing odd grunt work for The Foot. The chattering in the background got louder, catching your attention. Hesitating you turned. It normally wasn't in favor for someone in your position to not be keenly in tune with their surroundings.

A crowd had gathered around the alleyway you'd just left. Maybe twenty feet behind you now.

Shit. You knew better. But loyalty is what did it.

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