Part 15

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It was sweet, tender. His lips pressed gently to yours, fingers tangled either your, pinning your arms to the wall, legs still wrapped around him.

Your heart ached at the tentative way his body pressed into you, the soft way his hands held yours. He pulled away, your eyes fluttered open to look at him. Raph was watching you, scraping over your face like he wanted to burn the memory of you into his mind forever.

You knew that look. You knew the hollow ache inside of him

"Raph?" Softly, "you okay?"

"I-" He frowned, dropping his gaze to your neck, back up at you. "I like you."

You smiled, knowing it look pained. You knew what he wanted to say. "I like you too." You strained forward, pressing your mouth to his, deepening the kiss, pressing your tongue to his lips.

He opened his mouth for you willingly, tilting his head to accommodate your angle. You sighed as your blood quickened. The noise awakened the lust in Raph. His grip tightened. You felt his body quiver in an attempt to hold back.

"It's okay." You whispered, kissing his cheek, biting his jaw. "You can do what you want to me."

Your permission sent him over the edge. Immediately his hips ground against you, earning a moan from the depths of your chest. It spurred him on, his body pressing against you, touching as much of you as possible. His fingers shifted to intertwine with yours as his hips moved beneath you. His mouth busy with your neck, licking, biting, kissing.

You felt your body riding a wave of electricity, every touch, every brush, every kiss, sending you deeper into desperation.

"Raph." The moan leaked out of you.

He stilled, setting you down. "I wanna fuck you." His voice liquid sex.

You wanted him to fuck you. But-

"In an alley?" You looked around, "what if someone sees, or there are cameras?" Your gaze moved upwards, though you didn't see any surveillance.

"I thought you liked thrill?" Raph planted a hand on the wall, his breathing labored.

Your vision split for a second. You frowned, thinking. Then pulled off your jacket, setting it aside. And you dropped to your knees, fingers pulling on his belt.

"What-" Raph seemed genuinely taken off guard. "What're you doing?"

You slipped the belt off, pulling down his pants, looking up at him. Fingers skimmed over his erection. "Giving you a blow job." You shrugged, biting back your grin at the fire that passed over his face.

"You don't-"

You pulled his dick out of his underwear. "I know I don't." You ran your hand over the length of him. "But I want."

You watched his body shiver at the admission. You tapped the head, watching precum pearl on the end. You shifted into a more comfortable position, licked him. Rewarded by his knees shaking in response.

His breath turned ragged as you put your mouth around his head, swirling your tongue around the bundle of nerves just under the tip. You looked up, watched him watching you, propping himself up with his forearms, teeth biting his lip violently.

You couldn't help your grin, dragging your tongue down the length of Raph, feeling his hips thrust. You let your hand fall, only to feel nothing. Curiously you stopped your teasing, running your fingers over his perineum, surprised by the lack of a ball sack.

"Do you not have testicles?" You looked up, fingers running over the smooth skin behind his dick.

"I-" He was struggling, fists tightened, eyes clenched shut.

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