Part 17

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It was red, a little swollen. Itchy. You inhaled through your teeth, pulling down the baggy sleeves.

You could ignore it. You had to ignore it. Your oversized tennis shoes squeaked on the wet sidewalk as you passed by the chain link fence. Hesitant you looked up, arCinnamon. Couldn't see anyone anywhere. But maybe that was for the best.

You pulled out a tooth pick Raph had given you. Inhaling the taste of cinnamon. Steeling yourself, trying not to think of the dead body. The guns. 

You opened the same door, that gave the same squeal. You pushed past the boxes, noting different cars along the wall. You pushed past the crates. People were there. No Todd.

You felt your throat dry. Looked at your phone. It was still a little early. Two minutes. Maybe he just wasn't here yet. Maybe he had bailed after all.

You took in the people around you as you approached the clearing around the table, looked down. Not even a blood stain was left. Nothing to suggest anyone died here.

You skin pricked. People like you disappeared all the time, and no one noticed. For months. Years.

You felt your heart increasing. Did she have family? Did anybody know?

Your gaze jumped up at distant noises. Fear gripped you, like it was sneaking in through a hole in your feet, inching its way upwards.

They were here.

The woman from last time stepped forward. Gun in hand. No mask.

"Such a small crowd today." Eyes skimmed over everyone slowly, landing on you. "What happened?"

You looked around, the realization she was talking to you fell over you like a shroud.

"You killed someone here." You motioned to the area. "That scared most of them off."

"So are the rest of you stupid," She turned, "or just desperate?"

You felt your fists clench, teeth clamping down on your toothpick. But you weren't going to say anything. You weren't going to draw any attention to yourself. Not more than you already had, anyway.

"So." She returned beside her cronies. "Who else has information for me?"

You could feel the reluctance, resentment from the people around you. But the stacks of cash were laid out, and need outweighed want.

You looked to the roof, not hearing anything.

The man beside you glanced up too. "Whatcha looking at?"

"Ceiling's big." You responded casually, catching the frown on his face.

He pulled his beard, looking up.  "You're right. What is that? Twenty feet?"

"Gotta be." You glanced back up, biting your lip. Where were they?

"What're you two idiots staring at?" One of the soldiers snapped.

You dropped your gaze, shrugged. "Ceilings tall."

He stopped, dropping his guard in dismay. "Are you high?"

"Mmm, no-" you were cut off by guns firing outside. Loud, violent. "What the-" Shouting, a thud against the metal wall.

"Guns at the ready." The leader shouted, facing the back door.

People began scattering.

"Freeze!" She screamed, gun aiming wildly. "Freeze or I start shooting." She motioned to one of the guys behind her. "Line them up, a barrier in front of us." 

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