Part 5

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You were waiting now. Too early. Your coffee gone, his probably freezing cold. You glanced across the street. Looked at your phone.

1:15. You sighed, tossing the second coffee, slouching against the bench when you sat back down.

Your plan was flawed, highly flawed. But you had to bring something to that meeting tonight. You had to-

"Cold?" The voice and warm cup pressed to your cheek made you snap to attention.

You looked at the cup, gaze trailed up the arm offering it. He was turned away, looking almost sheepish.

"Raph!" You were beaming. "You're so early though."

He shrugged, sitting beside you. "Saw you waiting."

You clenched your jaw, tamping down the stupid joy at seeing Raph. At the coffee he brought you. Watching him sip from his own cup.

"What flavor did you get?" His brow rose, he looked at you.

"Try yours." He suggested, arm slinging over the back of the bench.

Suspicious you took a sip. Sputtered. "Hot chocolate?" You looked at him, eyes wide.

He nodded, shrugging a massive shoulder.

You groaned, "I was so sure you were a black coffee guy."


"Then why'd you drink that mess I was buying you?!" You were incredulous.

He looked away, at his tennis shoes. Toes wiggled. "You bought it for me. It's rude to decline a gift."

His response was maybe the most words he'd ever said to you at once. You had to swallow your ridiculous glee.

"So," you started. "I met Mikey."

Raph shifted. "Yeah. He told me." Looked at you, back away. "Why are you so interested in us?"

You blinked. Drank. "I'm homeless." You admitted, noting he didn't react. "Genuine interaction is so rare." You leaned back, kicking a foot over your knee. "And something about you felt… similar." You struggled on the admission. You were divulging too much. "I guess I started. I don't know." You shrugged, feeling stupid. "Projected onto you."

"Is that right?" His voice was deep, thoughtful. "What if I told you I was a mutant. Would you still-"

"I already figured that out." You cut him off, held up your hand and wiggled your fingers at his sharp glance. "Wasn't hard. We have plenty of mutants wandering through camp after their families abandon them or jobs refuse to hire them." You leaned closer, "what kind are you?"

He sighed. Mumbled something, hands busying themselves with his cup.

"I'm sorry," you leaned closer. "What?"

"I'm a turtle." He sounded bashful and you wanted to curl around him.

It was too cute, the juxtaposition of his physical appearance and his demeanor. Instead you grabbed his hand, held it in front of you. Nodded.

"That checks out." You looked back at him, watching him flex the hand you'd just held. Staring at it intently. "Why are you telling me this?"

He sighed heavily. "The guys were nagging me. Mikey gets good vibes from you."

You tried not to flinch. That hurt. You both sat in silence in the cold for a while.

"Can I see?" You didn't look at him, he kept his gaze fixed on his cup. "You, I mean. Can I see you?"

You felt his hesitation. "No."

That disappointed you. "That's fair."

"My turn." Cup twirled in his hands. "Where's your family?"

You blinked. It wasn't painful. You inhaled. Not anymore. You leaned away, resting your head on your hand.

"I came out." You admitted. "I'm nonbinary." Nerves raced to twist your stomach. It didn't matter if Raph didn't accept you.

Except it kind of did. You tilted your gaze towards him, quickly looking away when you met his eyes. You didn't want to elaborate but you were playing the long game. Give a little, get a little.

"And they decided I didn't belong under their God fearing roof." You chuckled, straightening. "Kinda set me up for a rough life."

"So…" Raph shifted. "You're they. Or them. They them?"

Shit. Your smile widened, you felt your nose prick with tears. "Yeah." It hiccupped out of you. "One of those they thems. That didn't count as a question." You held up your fingers. "Two more."

"How old were you?" You noticed his fist tightening. "When they kicked you out. How old?"

You narrowed your gaze on him. "Are you getting angry on my behalf?"

"Don't start with me." He growled.

"I was sixteen." You shrugged. "Couch surfed for a while. But people stop feeling bad for you after a couple weeks. Parents start telling you to go home, threaten to report you to the system." You kicked your feet, trying to suppress the memories. "Hard to get a job when you don't have a home. Hard to have a home when you don't have a job. So it just compounded on itself." You shut your mouth, turning on Raph. "Why are my answers so much more detailed than yours?"

It took a moment to realize he was laughing, smothered gusts of breath coming out of him. "Not my fault you're an open book." He responded, the hint of mirth still on his voice.

"One last question." You reminded him.

"I know, I know." He inhaled, you could feel the question on his lips.

He deflated instead. "Why do you chew so much gum?"

That question gave you pause. "I-" you frowned, chuckled. "You sure that's what you wanna ask?"

He simply nodded. You shrugged.

"Okay." You let it go. "I used to smoke. Quit a while back. Gotta do something with my hands and mouth." 

You felt him tense more than saw it.

"Right." He relaxed slowly. "I get it."

"You used to smoke?" That shocked you.

"Nah. I always gotta be chewin' on something though." His gaze rose. "Leo's here for the kids."

You followed his point to see another obscured figure across the street at the store. Blue Jean, blue hoodie, black boots, black leather coat. Face hidden by the oversized hood.

And realization dawned on you as Raph stood. "You came here for me."

Raph froze, facing away from you. "N-no."

"Oh my God." You teased, walking around to face him. "You like me."

"I do not." Adamantly, vehement even.

You couldn't stop the grin growing across your face. "I've grown on you, admit it!" You poked his chest.

"Fuck off." He shouldered past you, pausing. Looking over his shoulder. "Tomorrow?"

You beamed, trying not to seem too excited. "Sure, boss." You saluted, winking. "Tomorrow."

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