Part 19

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"Hey, thanks Clark." You grabbed your room key off the counter, toothpick nothing but splinters in your mouth.

"Don't mention it, kid." Clark's till rang as she closed it. "Glad to have you."

"M'naw." You clutched your hands to your chest, "is that affection I hear?"

Her look was flat when she turned back to you. "The hell it is. Now get outta here before I change my mind and take that key back."

You obeyed, smiling wide as you stepped out into the parking lot, climbing the stairs to room 215. This door didn't stick, but the paint was peeling. Graffiti had been poorly painted over, you could still see the massive dick underneath the slurs.

The room itself was just like all the others; tired decor, worn furniture, vague smells that hinted of the life of debauchery the room had lived. But it had a microwave and a fridge. You closed the door behind you, checking the duffle bag of clothes the brothers had lent you onto the bed. Looked out the window.

It was dreary, a typical early spring day. Clouds, puddles, umbrellas. You were grateful for somewhere dry to lay your head.

But you didn't have time to be grateful. You had goals, you had a deadline. And, you pulled the charger into the wall, falling on the bed, you had a phone with free wifi access. You flipped on the tv for some ambiance and began scrolling through the job listings.

You couldn't afford to be picky. And you had experience doing odd jobs thanks to your involvement with the Foot. Sadly, you realized, that didn't translate well when they asked for past work experience.

You flipped past the boxes for the online resume generator. Sighed. It was tedious as fuck.

You looked at the television. Watching animated characters run through fences.

Maybe I should be a ninja. Your head thumped against the wall, looking at your phone.

Hitting the apply button. Setting your phone down. You'd worry about that later. For now you were going to get food, bathing supplies.

You pulled out the cash in your pocket, counting. You knew supplies at the dollar general would be best, but… you stared at the cash. You could afford to be a little selfish. Just tonight.

You put the money away, determined to only spend fifty. You flipped on the lamp, turned the TV up. Had to make it look like someone was in. You moved to close the curtains, just catching someone from the corner if you eye. It took a second to click, but when it did you jumped into action, flying out the door.


He froze.

"Todd?" You approached, your door still open.

The person he was with was looking between you two, confused. Slowly he turned. 

"Sorry." Todd grinned. "But my name's Ken." He emphasized, his grin turning tense.

"Oh." You frowned, looking at his partner, then back. Closing your apartment door as he motioned.

"C'mere." Todd slung an arm around you, dragged you a little way off. "The fuck you doing here?"

His attitude startled you, the aggression. "I-" you snorted, motioning. "I'm renting a room."

His gaze narrowed. He nodded. "Yeah, okay."

"Are you?" Your head shook a little. "Okay I mean." You pinched his coat, which was hanging off him. "You've lost weight." You didn't comment on his sunken eyes and hollowed cheeks. Or the pocks around his mouth.

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