Part 13

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You felt a little awkward, watching the brothers scarf down the pizza, you yourself only halfway done with your slice.

"Be ready in ten!" Leo announced loudy, the first one to pull away from the group.

Mikey groaned. "Why do we always gotta be on your time, Nardo?"

"I'm the leader." The response came faintly.

"C'mon." Raph nudged you. "Let's get ready."

You looked at him, wide eyed. "Me?" You cast a glance to Mikey, who was shoving three slices in his mouth at once. Then Donnie, who looked puzzled, but just shrugged.

"I-I'm not a fighter." You followed him back to his room.

He snorted, "You're not going to fight. You're just coming with me to make the rounds."

You watched him open a drawer, pulling out an assortment of buckles and straps, a pike of clothes. You pulled beside him, lifting one of the contraptions with a finger, eyeing Raph.


"Fucking hell." He snatched it from you, throwing it over his shoulders.

"Did I fluster you, Rocky?" You leaned around him, pulling a strap around his waist, reaching for the other one as he grabbed them out of your hands.

"No." Abrupt. "You get changed too." He commanded. "You can't go out in that."

You looked down at your shorts and tshirt. "Do you have anything that'll even-"

He pointed to the clothes on the bed. "We all scrounged together. Just our old shit. But it should work."

You pulled off your shirt, shimmied out of the shorts. Cast a glance over your shoulder to catch Raph gawking. You shivered, looking up at him. He avoided your eyes, shifting away from you. Curiously you grabbed his ass, pressing yourself against him. He dropped a sai, cursed.

"Stop." His voice shaking, raw.

"Oh?" You pulled away. "Not trying to-"

His pants dropped. He turned to you, not at all shy. More annoyed. "How am I supposed to kick ass if I've got a chub?" He motioned to his underwear.

You bit your lip, feeling heat race through you. "We could." You suggested, brow cocked.

Raph hesitated, obviously thinking about your offer. Then shook himself, pulling a different pair of pants on.

"Leo'd catch us." Raph frowned, jaw working as he added more straps and belts to his costume, pulling on his mask.

"Adds to the thrill." You were just messing with him now, tugging on the long-sleeved shirt, following it up with the pants and shoes. "No socks." You looked at Raph's feet. Shrugged. It made sense.

Your eyes trailed up his body, surprised when his hands clenched and unclenched. "Is that what this is?" He turned to look at you. "A thrill?"

The question took you back. You hadn't expected insecurity, of all things. Not from Raphael. Though, you thought back, it did make sense. His anger as a defense mechanism. Him keeping everyone at arm's length. His admission of the monster incident, how it had scarred him.

"No." You frowned. "I mean, the sex was great." You scoffed, pushing your hair back. "But I'm not with you for the novelty. I genuinely like you." You grabbed his hand. "I didn't mean to make you feel…" you frowned. "You know. Bad."

Raph looked at your hand around his. Squeezed it. "I guess we gotta bit to learn about each other, huh?"

Your eyes widened. You jerked your gaze up to him. "You really meant it, didn't you? When you said you wanted to keep us going."

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