Sept.6.19/Home Is Where The Heart Is

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(WARNING: +18)


Camila's POV

September 6, 2019

- Crew, we are about to land.

I clearly hear the pilot's statement, but I resist opening my eyes from how exhausted I am, laying my head on mamá's shoulder who tugs at me to wake me up despite my pleas to let me keep sleeping, as I haven't been able to do well in days. Besides, I'm a terrible early riser, in case anyone still doesn't get it.

- Camila, the flight attendant is coming to tell us to resume our positions.

- I'm sleepy, mamá.

- That's not my problem. Wake up, Camila!

- Ok, ok... - I move away from her reluctantly and when I finally open my eyes there's a tiny cup of coffee in front of me.

- It's cold, but I saved it for you in case you wanted some. You look like a zombie.

- Oh, that's nice of you. Thank you so much. - I give her a not-at-all cheerful smile and gulp down the disgusting coffee before putting my seat upright, and dreading the landing.

The plane begins to descend at full speed, the cabin shakes noisily, my ears clog up from the air pressure and I feel nauseous as I touch down. I must be pale because some people stare at me, or maybe they recognized me and have been doing so since the beginning, but I didn't know it because I was happier lost in my dreams.

I take a long minute to breathe and compose myself, combing my tousled hair and putting on my sunglasses like that's going to help me go unnoticed. Of course it doesn't help, it never does. But like I said, I like to dream...even awake.

- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Ontario's Toronto Pearson International Airport. It is 9:20 A.M., local time, in 16-degree weather. Please remain in your seats, and with your seatbelts fastened until the aircraft comes to a complete stop and the seatbelt sign is turned off... Thank you for flying Air Canada and have a great day.

Almost everyone claps in appreciation and as soon as security is no longer required I am among the first to disembark, with mamá and Roger following close behind, of course. We waste half an hour collecting luggage and another 20 minutes waiting for someone from the VIP traveler's reception service to be assigned to take us to the hotel, but before we do such a thing, I find a Tim Hortons coffee shop on the way that automatically reminds me of Shawn.

Ugh, what a bad girlfriend I am, I didn't even have the consideration to turn on the phone and tell him I've arrived.

Anyway, when I pretend to text him I see that he hasn't been online since 3am today, which is when he finished chatting with me. And then you complain about being sleepy, Camila...

- Excuse me, good morning. - I catch the attention of the blonde who attends the small shop and she smiles at me waiting for my order. - You see, I don't love coffee, but I need something to wake me up, not so strong... What can you recommend?

- Hmm... A double double? - I'm taken by surprise by her thick French accent as she points to the menu on the screens behind her. - It's pure coffee, with 2 cream and 2 sugar.

- Sounds good. Make it a medium, please. - I dig through my pockets for the money to pay her.

- You... you're Camila, aren't you? Camila Cabello? - She says suddenly, looking at me out of the corner of her eye, not so sure.

- Yep. - I half-smile at her, and I'm overcome with that instant awkwardness, looking around to see if anyone else heard her. - Hey, I'm trying to keep a low profile, but nice to meet you. Your name is...

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