6-The bet

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Hunter was one of those blessed few who possessed that mysterious quality, charisma or magnetism, that made people want to be with him. He was like a cozy, flickering fire in the dead of winter, and I'd just come in from the storm. I wanted to get closer.

Thankfully, I kept this to myself though I'm sure he would have been thoroughly entertained by my quirkiness.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked as we walked back along the trail.

"Hmm." He peered down at me. "Does it involve fast food, underwear, or fancy coffee?"

"It's about God." I could tell he surprised him. "Are you a believer like Lucy?"

Had I not been watching his expression closely I'd have missed the intense pain that crossed his handsome face. I blinked and it was replaced with a heart-stopping smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Lucy takes after her mother."

There was a story here, but I wasn't sure he was ready to tell it. He seemed to be struggling with some unseen force.

"I used to believe. I guess I still do." The words were obviously difficult for him. "What about you?"

I scoffed. "Me and the man upstairs go way back." For some reason referring to God as the man upstairs felt wrong. Kyle would say it was disrespectful or he probably would if I asked, but he didn't push his beliefs on me. I had the feeling he was waiting, on what I wasn't sure. "He's not my biggest fan."

"Have you asked him about it?"

At first, I thought he meant Kyle, which made no sense unless he could read my mind. "Who?"


"Uh, no. Pretty sure God has more important things to do than listen to my problems."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that."

"Do you talk to God about your problems?"

"Not as much as I should." Hunter seemed to want to say something but decided against it. "If you're hungry, I have a couple of steaks I can grill." He looked uncertain. "Unless don't eat meat. I also have salad."

"Door number one, friend." I laughed, my mouth watering. I survived on peanut butter sandwiches and cereal. "Save the veggies for your model-think lady friends."

I was definitely fishing for information about his love life, but he wasn't taking the bait.

He shook his head. "That's a yes then?"

I stumbled and he caught me around the waist, steadying me. He dropped his hands quickly but I felt the tingle of his lingered.

"I should check my date book—kidding! It's a yes. I should swing by Kyle's house for a shower first."

"This is my street." He jerked his thumb at the houses on the quiet cul-de-sac.

"I know. I've been here with Lucy."

"If you'd like to shower, you can use Lucy's bathroom. She's got some clothes here you can borrow."

"Well, I guess. If you don't mind."

"It was my idea," he said with a soft laugh and a gentle tug on a strand of my hair.

We approached Hunter's house and a sleek silver Mercedes was parked in his driveway. My mood sank when a stunning blonde woman stepped out of the car dressed like she'd jumped off the cover of a magazine. She was definitely the salad type. Jealousy filled me.

I hadn't been aware I'd stopped until I felt his hand at the small of my back, urging me on. "I'll go. That way you won't have to explain who I am."

Hunter glanced down at me, and I thought I saw a flash of disappointment in his eyes. "Changed your mind about dinner?"

Finding Him (Him Series  Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now