13-Jesus is the only hope for salvation

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He'd almost kissed Izabelle.

What was he thinking? That was the problem. He wasn't. She intrigued him more than any woman ever had, made him laugh, and when she stared up at him with those big brown eyes like she was sure he could conquer every problem she had, he wanting to be the man she needed.

Lord knows, he was no hero, but he wanted to be hers. He wanted to slay her demons. Protect her from harm. Hunter would start with whoever sent her those flowers. He'd find the perp responsible because the thought of someone harming her drove him too close to the edge.

What happened to her all those years ago still haunted him, drove him a little crazy, and made him work harder to keep guys like that off the streets. After all, she'd been through, he hated her thinking that sleeping with a man she thought she was in love with was an unforgivable sin. Jesus would forgive her if she asked. Jesus would forgive him too—if he asked.

His gaze returned to Izabelle, sitting on his couch, and he let his gaze linger while her attention was focused on the Bible in her lap. She took his breath away even before she spoke.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God." She studied the verse, a frown line between the smooth skin of her delicate brows. "He used word three times."

Hunter clenched his fist so she wouldn't see his hands shaking. "The Word is Jesus."

Her head lifted, and she looked confused. "What?"

"In the beginning was Jesus and Jesus with God, and Jesus was God." He glanced down at his own Bible. "Jesus Christ was always with God even before his birth."

She bent and began to read again, her forehead crinkling in concentration. He tried to concentrate on what she was reading.

"He was in the beginning with God." Izabelle quoted scripture, her eyes meeting mine. "If Jesus was with God in the beginning, how can Jesus be God's son?"

"It's called the Trinity." He thought of how to keep it simple. "There is one God but he takes on three forms—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit."

She seemed to take that in, then lowered her head and continued to read. Something about the earnest way she tried to figure out what was being said tugged at his heart.

He liked her a lot. Too much. Despite all that had happened to her she possessed an innocence that tugged at his heart.

"Jesus was life and the life was the light of men." She glanced up at him for confirmation.

"That's right." He cleared his throat. "The light shines in the darkness, and darkness has not overcome it," he said finishing the verse in John.

Izabelle rubbed her temples. "What does all this mean?"

"It means Jesus is our only hope of salvation. He's the light. The world is darkness. If our hope is in Christ Jesus, we will be saved." The words moved him.

"What is someone dies before they hear about Jesus?" Her eyes held genuine curiosity.

"That's why it's important to proclaim the good news to others." His gaze caught on Lucy's heart carved into the table. Guilt filled him. Telling others about Jesus wasn't something he did. He hadn't even lived like he believed in Jesus.

"Don't all religions lead to God?" She picked up a coffee mug and brought it to her lips. "You know different roads but the same destination."

"If that were true, Jesus would have died on the cross for nothing."

"I guess I never thought of it that way." Her eyes softened when she looked at him. "You know a lot about the Bible."

Hunter shifted, uncomfortable. He couldn't allow her to believe he was something he wasn't "Not really. I've just read it."

"You're a patient teacher. Lucy will be thrilled. You know she's on a mission to share Jesus with us all."

"My daughter is quite the evangelist."

"I love her." Izabelle traced the little heart.

"Me too."

"You know," she said with a smile that kicked him in the chest. "When I win our bet, I'll have to ask for something else since you're already helping me understand the Bible."

"Whatever want Izabelle, all you have to do is say the word."

Silence fell, and tension sizzled between them.

"Wow. Whatever I want. Dangerous words." A playful, flirtatious gleam sparkled in her eyes. "What if I want you to kiss me?"

He couldn't believe she said it. His sharp intake of breath gave away his reaction, and she'd definitely heard. Her pink lips were shaped like an 'O'. Jack nudged his leg, grounding him.

When he managed to speak his voice was deeper, huskier than usual. "Let me know when you decide."

Her dark head tilted in confusion. "Decide?"

"You said if." His palm gripped his thigh and he rose to his feet. "Careful what you say next. We're on shaky ground."

She stood and looked him in the eye. One delicate brow lifted. "What happens if we fall?"

Of all the things he expected her to say, the blunt question wasn't even on his list. "I don't know."

She smiled.

He chuckled. "I'd say the bet would get even more interesting."

"More like complicated. I suppose we should stick to the plan."

He heard the question in her voice, but he wasn't taking them there. Not yet.

She fidgeted, and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Do you mind driving me back to my apartment?"

"Yes. I do."

"I won't get my car back until Monday. I can call—"

"Your apartment is flooded, Izabelle." The word came harder than he'd intended, but was she serious? "There's a hole in your ceiling. You can't stay there."

"I can't call my brother. He's already worried enough about me."

"At least he has some common sense." He stalked into the kitchen and poured another cup of coffee. She followed. "You can stay in Lucy's room."

"After my stupid question, that's a bad idea."

He turned, his gaze slamming into hers. "You don't trust me?"

"Of course, I do. I just didn't think you'd want me here after I crossed that line."

"No lines have been crossed."

Her lips parted. Glancing down she picked at her nail polish, seeming to consider the offer. "Thanks, I appreciate your help."

She smiled, looking beautiful and vulnerable. He pushed that thought from his mind, but couldn't completely dismiss her. Hunter admired her sincere effort to understand the Gospel of John. Izabelle said she didn't believe, but God might have other plans.

He reached over and tousled her hair like he would Lucy, effectively putting their friendship on safer ground. "Night, Izzy."

"Goodnight, Captain Donovan."

Finding Him (Him Series  Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now