25-Please God

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"Name and date of birth," the somber-looking policewoman stated in a monotone voice.

I sat on the hard chair, my arms behind my back, handcuffed and trying not to throw up on the dull tiles. I was cold and scared and my arms ached. "Izabelle Bentley..." I recited the information. My teeth chattered, quaking my name. Didn't they already have this information?

Squinting to read the woman's nametag, I thought it said, Officer O'Leary. She was around my age, maybe a little older with long hair pulled into a severe ponytail at the back of her head, no make-up, and a deep frown that seemed etched into her skin.

Given her job I guess I could understand the lack of humor. It wasn't like she could go around smiling and making small talk with people who were about to be hauled off to jail.

Officer O'Leary typed the information into the computer, not bothering to look up at me. "Address and Social Security number."

I gave her the information, feeling numb. "What's going to happen to me after this?"

"You'll go to holding."

"Oh." I swallowed hard, not sure what she meant.

"Is there someone you'd like to call?"


My heart squeezed thinking his name. He was here, somewhere in this building, and I knew without a doubt he'd come if I called, but I wasn't going to do that. It would be embarrassing for him and me. I wouldn't put us through that.

I could call Kyle, but I dismissed that idea for the same reasons I didn't want to call Hunter. My little brother had been through a lot lately and didn't need to be bailing his sister out of jail.

That left Lucy and Katie. There was no way I'd call Lucy to come pick me up at the police station after our argument. I hadn't even had a chance to apologize, and Katie said she'd been sick. Katie would pick me up, but she and Jase were taking care of Ava.

"There's no one."

For the first time since I'd sat down, Officer O'Leary glanced up at me. "Are you sure? Any family, friends, an attorney, maybe?"

"Do I need a lawyer?" What a stupid question! I'd been arrested and was about to go to jail. A lawyer would be good.

"You're being charged with auto theft. The arresting officer said there was reason to believe you'd been drinking and possibly in possession of contraband."

Contraband? "I don't have any drugs, and I took a Breathalyzer."

"You agreed to a blood test. That will be completed when we're finished here." She looked at me, and I saw a hint of sympathy. "The arresting officer thought he smelled marijuana in your car."

"No, that's impossible."

Her expression revealed not a hint of interest in what I was saying. She'd probably heard the I'm innocent tale a few thousand times in her career and wasn't giving any credence to my story.

"You'll be searched and then taken to a cell."

"Searched? Again?" I felt suddenly sick. Lord Jesus, help me. "What if I refuse?"

"You can't refuse."

I bravely looked her in the eye. "I've changed my mind about talking to someone."

Her gaze narrowed. "You want to make a phone call?"

"I want to speak with Captain Donovan."

At the mention of Hunter's name, O'Leary perked up, looking suddenly interested. "How do you know the Captain?" she asked suspiciously.

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