31-Tell her about Jesus

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"You look different, Izzy." Sam's eyes shined with wisdom far beyond his age. He smiled. "You know Jesus."

"Yes. I do." I put my hand on his. It was icy cold. His skin was pale, almost translucent, and dark shadows lurked beneath his eyes. Despite his appearance, I'd never seen anyone as joyful or peaceful as this boy.

"Sam, I want to thank you."

"What for?"

"For sharing the Lord with me even though I didn't seem like I was listening." He looked surprised. "I was listening. You're a very special young man."

Sam smiled, and it lit up his face. He was the perfect example of how someone could be joyful in all circumstances. "Always plant seeds. God will do the rest," he told me.

Swallowing back emotion, I nodded. "You're right. I need to work on my planting skills. One day I hope to be as good as you."

"We're called to share the gospel. Whether they believe is up to God. You need to tell people about Jesus, Izzy. Promise me."

"I will. I promise."

His expression was one of pure joy.

Sam's eyes closed slowly, and suddenly the machine hooked to him began to scream a protest.

"Sam?" I cried, leaning over him.

"What's wrong?" His mother, who'd been asleep on the couch, jumped up and let out a cry of anguish when she saw her son. "Oh, no. Sam, my baby," she wept, putting her arms around her son. "No, Lord, please, not yet."

I stood there, not knowing what to do. Stepping back to give her more room, I realized I still held his hand. I let go. Hospital staff rushed into the room.

If God is good, why couldn't he save the boy?

My head jerked up at the dark voice. "God is good. He called his servant home."

Brushing away tears with the back of my hand, I walked through the hospital hall not sure where I was going. I had to call Lucy. She loved Sam dearly. And Hunter, I needed him.

Tapping my screen, I blinked at the incoming message.

Unknown: I have your Christmas present.

No, not now.

Unknown: I know you hate this time of the year. Thought I might give it to you early.

Unknown: What do you say sweet thing? YOLO

This time I answered.

Me: Leave me alone Scott. Or I'll call the police.

Unknown: LOL I'm not scared of your boyfriend!

I stared at the screen, but before I could decide what to do little bubbles dotted the screen again.

Unknown: He should be afraid of me! YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID OF ME!

"Ma'am, are you alright?" An older gentleman asked, and I realized I'd cried out.

"Yes." I managed a nod and a thank you before I ran off.

This was going to end now. I couldn't keep living in fear. I marched straight to Scott's office, not answering his receptionist when she asked if I had an appointment.

As soon as I closed his door, I turned and locked it before the receptionist could confront me and throw me out.

Scott looked stunned.

He was sitting behind his big desk in a fancy leather chair with a phone to his ear. Seeing me, his expression turned wary. "I'm going to need to call you back," he said to whoever was on the phone.

Finding Him (Him Series  Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now