19-Thank God for unanswered prayers

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Katie couldn't stop laughing, but she did slow down and take a few breaths to say, "Tell me again."

"I've told you three times." I propped my elbow on the scarred wooden table and stared down into the cup of beer I hadn't touched, nor would I touch. "That's enough fun for you."

"I'm sorry, but it gets funnier each time."

"Only because it didn't happen to you." Scanning the crowded bar, I had the sudden urge to go home and open my Bible, but Hunter was working late and I'd promised Katie we'd hang out.

Would God approve of me being here? Lucy still came occasionally, but I knew it was only to see me and Katie, and she never drank. I pushed the plastic cup away.

"Oh, please, like you're upset that gorgeous super cop Captain Donovan took you home." Seeing my face, Katie sat up straighter, eyes widening. "What happened between you two?"

My insides felt mushy every time I thought of my night with Hunter. "He took me horseback riding at the fairgrounds."

Katie squealed, probably noting the goofy smile on my face. "And..."

"It was a beautiful ride. Then he bought me a turkey leg, we rode the Ferris Wheel, and he won me a big pink plush bear."

"Oh. That's so romantic." She leaned forward. "What else?"

"He kissed me." My lips tingled at the memory of his mouth on mine.

A sound of delight escaped her lips. "How was it?"

"No words can do it justice."

"Try," Katie demanded, smacking her palm on the table. "I need to live vicariously through you. My love life is nonexistent."

I sighed. "It was like touching the sun without getting burned. Everything I'd ever dreamed of a kiss would be."

"You should write that down."

"Yeah, for sure, and publish it in a romance novel," I laughed.

The live band began a slow country song and we watched couples flock to the dance floor and entwine their arms around each other. A pang of longing assaulted me followed by the image of Hunter and I dancing.

Katie's attention returned to me. "Are you guys together now?"

I tried to explain what we were, but no words came to mind to describe my relationship with Hunter. We were more than friends and only seeing each other. Was he my boyfriend? "I'm not sure."

Her brows pulled together in confusion, and she took a drink of beer as if that would help her sort it out. "That's a yes or no question."

"We didn't define anything. It was just a kiss." And the ocean is just a little water.

Katie nodded, thoughtfully. "Maybe. He may not know what he's feeling. Men are complicated."

Knowing her as well as I did, I read between the lines. "What's going on with you and Jase? Lucy said you met his family."

She shook her head, and rolled her eyes. "He asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend so his parents would stop trying to set him up with their friends' daughters'. You wouldn't believe these people, Izabelle."

"I've met them." I searched for the right words to describe Jase's family. "They're intense."

"They're absolutely insane," she corrected, lifting her arms for emphasis.

I listened patiently.

"Seriously, Izzy, they are even more dysfunctional than my family, and I didn't think that was even possible. I'm beginning to understand why he doesn't do commitments."

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