29-If you believe in God, believe in Jesus

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"Hunter told you he loves you, Deana went psycho on Hunter, and you moved in with Kyle."

Katie sank her teeth into a homemade chocolate chip cookie I'd baked earlier. "What else did I miss? Oh, yeah, you're living with Kyle and you've turned into an evangelist."

Tilting my head, I gave her a look that said I knew exactly what she was doing. "I asked about your life."

"Aw, no. No way. Mine is better than sheep for sleep. Total snoozeville. I want to talk about you." Her gaze slid over my navy and white polka dot blouse and boot-cut jeans. It was the third outfit I'd tried on for her. "You look wowza!"

"You've said that about every outfit I've tried on." I sighed.

"I never said wowza. The black lacy top was chic but cliché. I liked the knee-high boots and red halter. Might want to borrow that sometime. But this looks like you—beautiful and enticing, but innocent at the same time."

Shaking my head, I made a low sound of disagreement. "I'll take your word for it. Fashion is not my thing. Thanks for helping."

"Where's this hot date taking place?"

"I'm not sure."

"Probably somewhere dull and boring," she sighed, fighting a smile. "Like a car show. Possibly a hardware sale."

"Hunter will probably take me horseback riding." Funny how just saying his name could make my belly do a little flip.

"Very romantic," she exaggerated.

I threw her a pointed look. "Jase would be romantic if you'd give him a chance."

Katie choked on her latte. "Sneaky how you change the subject. He's in love with himself and no less than a dozen women. Not sure why you're all of the sudden Team Jase."

"I'm Team Katie. But I have noticed he's different with you. It's sweet. I've never seen him pursue a woman before."

"Because they usually fall at his feet and scream, 'I love you, Jase! Take me out! I beg you!'"

I laughed, but I wasn't letting her off easily. "I think you're jealous."

"Pul-lease. Jealous is the last thing I feel about Jase."

"What do you feel?"

Katie leaned back her expression twisted like she was trying to find the right word. "Indifference." Her eyes lit up. "That's it! Big, fat indifference."

"Uh-huh. You protest a little too much."

"I don't want to talk about it." She waved her hand dismissively. "Have you heard any more from Scott?"

"No. It's finished." I didn't want to talk about that any more than she did Jase. As much as I wanted it to be over, I had a weird feeling that it wasn't.

"Not to be a downer," Katie said, reaching for a pair of silver hoops on the table and holding them up to my outfit. "I changed my mind. I like these better than the sand dollars."

"Ok," I said slowly. "No worries, I'm not attached to the sand dollars."

"Sorry, I changed the subject. Too much coffee. The Deana and Hunter incident is freaky. That's the downer part."

"I know." The words were quiet. I was more upset than I wanted her to know.

"What does Hunter think?"

"That Deana could be trying to shift the blame because she's scared of Scott."

"Makes sense." She took a sip of coffee. "Sooo, you and Hunter are together, together." Katie wagged her brows.

Finding Him (Him Series  Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now