32-I have Jesus

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"How about we do some decorating?" Hunter suggested after we'd eaten grilled pork chops and asparagus at his house. "Might make you feel better."

It had been three days since I'd confronted Scott. Three days since Jesus called Sam home. Earlier he'd gotten down boxes of decorations trying to cheer me up.

"I'd like that." His house was filled with the scent of pine from the Christmas tree in his living room. "This will be my first Christmas believing in Jesus."

"Definitely something to celebrate." He pressed a kiss to my forehead and lifted a box onto the coffee table.

I carefully unwrapped the handmade ornaments that Lucy and Hunter had made together. One ceramic-painted ornament read 'Our Family'. Painted on the ornament was a picture of a little girl holding her father's hand and a dog sitting between them. Up in the clouds, an angel with wings looked down on the family, Lucy's mom.

"Wow. I knew Lucy was talented, but this is breathtaking."

"She's always loved to paint. Anna did too. I tried, but as you can see from the stick figures I was not the artist in the family." Holding up the ornament he'd painted, he threw a lopsided smile.

I couldn't help but smile. "I'm sure they appreciated you trying."

His phone went off and he checked the screen. "Be right back."

I continued perusing the beautiful memories the Donovans had created. Thinking of my future children growing up with Hunter as a father lighted the darkest corners of my heart.

I imagined a tree twinkling with tiny glowing lights, a cozy fire burning in the fireplace, and the smell of fresh-baked sugar cookies just out of the oven. Children clinging to my leg or Hunter's. Christmas music playing in the background, the kind that glorified our savior.

It was the complete opposite of how Kyle and I had grown up. There was no joy at the Bentleys. Cigarette smoke instead of a fire, vomit replaced cookies and a dimly lit lamp instead of a Christmas tree.

I couldn't stand thinking about the family of the woman he'd killed. Guilt took root inside me and grew into a living thing. No one deserved prison more than Darryl Bentley, but, with Jesus' help, I had finally found it in my heart to forgive him.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, and forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32

The problem was I couldn't forgive myself because deep inside I was afraid that it was all my fault.

Hunter's hands settled on my shoulders, gently massaging the knotted muscles. "I thought the Christmas decorations would make you happy," he whispered in my ear.

"They do. More than you know."

"Where'd you go right then?"

"I have to tell you something, and I'm afraid you'll hate me. It's about Darryl and how he died. It was my fault."

Unable to meet his gaze, I watched the muscles in his throat worked as he swallowed. "You started the fire?"

It was obvious from his tone he didn't believe I'd do such a thing. "No. But he was angry with me that night. I was scared."

"Tell me," he urged, stroking my head.

"The doctor had given me something to help me relax." I began to cry. "I put one of the pills in his coffee."

"Baby, one pill didn't kill him."

Glancing up at him, I tried to make him understand. "If he hadn't been tired, maybe he'd have gotten out."

"This wasn't your fault. Don't let the evil one put guilt steal your peace. Think of the good."

"The only good memory I had of my childhood was Kyle, and the times we'd spent with Ava and her family. If she's doing this—"

From his expression, I knew I wouldn't like what he'd found out. "I had the number traced."

I braced myself. "It is Ava."

The doorbell rang before I could respond. "That's probably Kyle. I asked him to come over. He deserved to hear it from me."

Hunter and Kyle shook hands and my brother came into the living room. "Make yourself comfortable. I need to take this," Hunter said, holding up his phone.

"It's Lucy. I saw her name on the screen," Kyle said, leaning in to give me a hug. "I've never seen you this happy. Considering the circumstances that's something."

"I love him so much."

"I know the feeling." His voice held an unmistakable note of sadness.

"You've got to work things out with Lucy. You can't let Ava mess things up."

He touched one of the ornaments Lucy had painted, and I saw the pain in his eyes. "Lucy broke up with me. If she wants to get back together, she's going to have to come to me."

"You're letting your pride get between you and the woman you love. Have you prayed about it?"

"Of course, and it's not about pride. I'd do anything for Lucy and she knows it, but I can't make her trust me." My brother stopped talking when he saw Hunter coming from the kitchen.

"I'll get to the point," Hunter began. "The last few texts Izabelle received came from Kyle's phone."

"That's impossible."

Kyle took a deep breath, his gaze sliding to mine. "Ava took my phone."

"Only the last few texts came from your phone. The others came from a disposable cell. It would be almost impossible to track who sent them."

Hunter's arm went around my shoulders, and I tried to slow my breathing. I glanced at my brother. "Ava's made some mistakes, but she's not a stalker."

"I ran the plates on the car parked in front of Mrs. Ortiz's house," Hunter continued. "It's registered to a William Foster."

"Ava's brother? No!" I remembered the shy, sweet boy Kyle and I had grown up with. "Will couldn't hurt anyone. He loves us."

"He's going to be questioned," Hunter said calmly. "We'll have to wait and see what happens."

"I don't think it's any of the Fosters," I insisted, turning back to my brother. He loved them like I did. "Kyle?"

"Will's had a crush on you since we were kids." He paused and shook his head. "But this? Nah, I don't think it's him. But we have to be careful."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm not blaming anyone." Kyle's voice was steady but unrelenting. "But I never thought Ava could do what she's done either."

"If he's innocent, we'll find out. We need to pray." Hunter's hand went to my back, grounding me.

"Yes," Kyle agreed. "This is in God's hands."

I nodded, knowing they were right.

"I'm taking some time off work until this is straightened out," Hunter said quietly.

"Good," Kyle agreed, sharing a look with Hunter. "Between the two of us, she won't be alone."

Hunter's gaze swung to mine. "Izabelle will never be alone."

I knew he was right, and my heart overflowed with love. I had a brother, friends, and the most wonderful man who loved me.

Most of all I had Jesus.

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