26-He will not leave or forsake you

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I couldn't stop shaking.

Lying on the hard bench, I curled into a ball and clasped my knees to my chest. I was surprised that the words to the Bible verses I'd been reading came to me clearly, and I whispered them aloud.

"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8. "

Was God with me? Yes, without a doubt. Whether he would call someone like me, I still wasn't sure. I might not be guilty of stealing a car, but I wasn't innocent. My sins were much worse.

Keeping my eyes closed, I thought of Hunter and imagined that we were somewhere warm with lots of open space. A big, green grassy field with horses beneath a blue sky scattered with fluffy clouds.

The creaking door yanked me from the image. "The Captain wants to see you."

I sat up, feeling dizzy and swaying.

"You alright?" O'Leary's gaze raked over me, seeming to note that I was wearing Hunter's jacket.

"Just a little lightheaded."

"Hmm." She didn't sound too sure. "Since you're such good friends with Captain Donovan, you might not have to spend the night."

My eyes flew to Officer O'Leary, and I was surprised to her lips compress with disapproval. "I don't think he'll be able to help me."

Her brow lifted, and she shot me a look of disdain. "Don't you?"

"I can't post bond until tomorrow."

She shook her head. "I hope he knows what he's doing. He's always played by the book, but he isn't thinking clearly now."

"I'm not going to hurt him."

"He's a good man. I'd hate to see him ruin his career because you seduced him into lying for you." Her gaze flashed with anger.

"Seduced him?" I was shocked. I remembered the look of disgust on O'Leary's face before he took me to his office. She thought that Hunter and I were lovers. "It's not like that—"

"Turn around." She shook her head, ending the conversation.

I did and she snapped on the handcuffs a little too tightly. Surely, she didn't think... "Nothing happened between us."

"Hope you can remember that story." Her tone dripped sarcasm as she ushered me into Hunter's office.

My gaze landed on Lucy, and I was so happy to see her that tears filled my eyes.

She rushed forward and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry Lucy," I whispered, feeling Hunter behind me. Suddenly my hands were free, and I hugged Lucy back.

"Me too. I love you."

"I love you. So much."

I have no idea how long we held each other before Kyle stepped beside us and put his hand on my back. Catching the knowing look in his eyes, I smiled, trying to reassure him. Then I went into my brother's arms.

"I don't want you worrying about me," I told him. "It's just until the morning, and then I'll get this straightened out."

Lucy's gaze swung to Hunter. So did Kyle's.

"You're being released into my custody," Hunter said, his steady gaze on mine. "They're not going to worry because you'll be spending the night in Lucy's room."

We stared at each other a moment longer than necessary, and I wanted to go to him. To wrap my arms around him and have him hold me. Comfort me. He'd accomplished the impossible. I was not going to spend the night in jail.

Finding Him (Him Series  Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now