15-For with God nothing is impossible

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Izabelle flew into his arms.

Since she seemed to make an effort most of the time not to touch him, her reaction caught him off guard and he fell back a step before catching her. He folded his arms around her, noticing how small she felt, her head resting beneath his chin.

Burying her head against his chest, she clung to him as if he was all that stood between her and whatever would cause her harm. He drew a ragged breath more affected by her than he liked.

Her soft hair tickled his chin. It smelled like coconut. She felt warm and soft in his arms. He could hold her forever and never let go. His heartbeat spiked, and he wondered if she could feel it like he felt hers. Hunter willed his body not to react. She needed a protector. A friend. That's all there was to it.

"Hunter." She whispered his name against his chest.

"What's wrong baby?" he answered roughly into her hair, his arms tightening around her.

"W-would you believe I'm just really happy to see you?" she asked with nervous laughter.

Something fierce and powerful stirred within him. He threaded long fingers through her hair, and she lifted her head and their gazes collided. "Izabelle."

Hearing the tender note in his voice when he said her name, he wondered if she too heard it. The way she parted her lips and the spark of warmth in her eyes told him she had. Don't go there, he warned. If she'd had feelings for him, she wouldn't have struck that bet.

He'd honor it, of course, play along even though the last thing he wanted to do was watch her on a date with another man. A man he picked for her. She's Lucy's friend, he reminded himself. Too young for him. Maybe if he repeated that enough he'd remember.

Lord, give me the strength to resist her.

"I-I, uh, don't want you to worry." She blinked away a shimmer of tears.

His heart cracked, and the pad of his thumb brushed away the tears she hadn't allowed to fall. "Any conversation that starts with don't worry has the opposite effect on me."

"Be very, very, worried," Izabelle added with a saucy smile, trying to lighten his mood.

"You got another text." Taking a step back, he gripped the back of his neck. "Let me see."

Shifting, she hesitated a moment before reluctantly handing him her phone. Lines of worry marred the smooth skin between her dainty eyebrows. "It's probably not—"

"Let me judge whether or not it's a big deal," he said cutting her off, a hint of fear slicing through him at the messages.

SOON, again. Clearly a threat.

Izabelle paced, threading her fingers in her hair. "People get strange texts all the time. Everyone thinks they can hide behind a phone nowadays. It's why I avoid social media." She inhaled a shaky breath, obviously distressed. "Not that this is social media, but you get what I mean. Ok, I'll end the nervous rant."

"They know where you live, Izabelle. The perp left flowers and a note on your doorstep. I don't want to scare you, but this is serious." He tried to keep his tone even, and patient, but something had to get through to her.

The color drained from her face, and she let out a soft sound of distress. "I don't know what to do," she cried, speaking more to herself than to him.

"I do." He reached for her without thinking, cupping his hands on either side of her face. "There are anti-stalking and anti-cyber-stalking laws in Texas. We'll file a report. They can't hide forever."

Even as he said it, Hunter realized how lame he sounded. A report? That wasn't enough. A law was only as good as its ability to be enforced, and he had a sinking feeling whoever was doing this didn't send those texts from a personal cell phone that would be easily traced. Finding the guy would take time.

"You said we'll as in we." She gazed up at him again like he'd swooped in and rescued her from the lion's den.

"I'll keep you safe. I'd be a lousy friend if I didn't." Was it his imagination or did she look hurt?

"Right. Friends." She stiffened.

"That's what we are, isn't Izabelle?" He watched her closely, searching for a clue that she felt as he did.

"Of course." She twisted a silky strand of hair, something he noticed she did when she was nervous. "Although, you're getting the short end of the deal. I haven't been much of a friend to you."

"It's not a competition."

Big brown eyes flicked to his. "You'd let me know if you needed anything, wouldn't you, Hunter?"

He didn't hesitate. "As a matter of fact, I need to know you're safe. Stay with me until this is settled. Or move in with your brother. You choose."

She blinked. Swallowed. Lips parted. "I'll talk to Kyle after his surgery. I don't want him to know about this now." She nodded, and he gave her a side hug like a true friend.

"You'll stay in Lucy's room until then." He brushed a piece of hair from her face and heard her breath catch.

"You're a good man. I owe you." Her eyes widened at his raised brow, and she laughed. "Don't worry I'm not offering to sleep with you this time."

He fought the desire her comment incited. "Good to know you trust me now."

"Who knows maybe I'll introduce to you your soul mate. That'll make for the trouble I've caused." Another stiff, forced smile. She folded her arms protectively over her middle. "If there's anything else, just say the word."

"We can pray." The words were out before he could stop them, surprising them both. "Together. A, uh, prayer wouldn't hurt." He almost winced at his awkwardness.

Izabelle's eyes caught his and held. "You're right. That's exactly what we should do. Pray. It's what Lucy would do." She nodded, slowly, her expression hesitant. "Do you know how to start?"

He was as lost as she was. Since he was used to being in charge, Hunter couldn't remember when he'd felt more unworthy. Why had he forsaken God? More importantly, was it too late to return home?

Seek me, son.

His chest tightened. Surely, he was hearing things. He waited a heartbeat. Then another. She slipped her small hand in his, the gesture giving him strength.

"Lord God, forgive us our failures, and thank you for our blessings. Please protect Izabelle from those who would harm her..."


Hunter's prayer filled my soul.

I stared at the bathroom mirror thinking about that prayer, more shaken than I had ever been. No man had ever prayed for me. Not that I had sought the kind of men given to praying. I wasn't like Lucy. I wasn't sure about Jesus. Was I? Even thinking about my uncertainty felt wrong.

A voice whispered in my ear urging me to trust in myself. You are enough. Believe in yourself. The command was like icy fingers skipping down my spine.

I shivered.

Most people would say to listen to a voice telling you to believe in yourself. That seemed like the thing to do. It felt right, good. But not to me. I knew I wasn't enough. I needed help.

I needed Jesus.

"Forgive me, Lord."

Only that was the problem. Some sins were unforgivable. A broken cry wrenched from my heart. I was too far gone. Without hope. Forgiveness was impossible. I fell to my knees, and then I heard the quiet yet powerful words that cut through the darkness.

For with God nothing will be impossible.

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