Chapter 1

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It was a lovely warm day in Pontypandy, perfect for everyone to visit the pool for a swim and play outdoor games in the bright sun.

Miss Pawdry entered her owners bedroom and jumped onto the bed, elegantly walking upwards to lick the sleeping woman awake.

Penny woke up to the feeling of her cats saliva on her cheek and rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes, before setting her gaze down on her cat.

"Good morning, cough, cough, Miss Pawdry, achoo!", she greeted her fury friend in a hoarse tone, gently petting her soft fur.

"Oh my God! I sound terrible, achoo, achoo, but I'm still going to work, because it's, achoo, achoo, my job to help those in need!", she spoke to herself with her sore throat and her friend started meowing for food.

"Ok, ok Miss Pawdry! Cough, cough, I'll give you your breakfast after I've, achoo, achoo, had a shower!", the blonde woman got up from under the duvet that her cat was resting on and got into the bathroom.

She looked at herself in the mirror, noticing her hot, red cheeks and pale face, before taking her pyjamas off and nakedly getting into the shower to cleanse herself.

While the poorly woman was showering, she kept coughing and sneezing multiple times and when she stepped out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her torso as she walked back into her room.

Miss Pawdry instantly woke up from resting to the sound of the bathroom door opening and she quickly jumped down to weave in and out of her owners legs, meowing anxiously.

"I know your hungry missy! Achoo, But you've got to cut, cough, me some slack, because I'm, cough, cough, not feeling too good!", Penny picked her cat up to gently stroke, before laying her back down on the bed as she took her towel off to get dressed into a lavender sweater with leggings and a light blue hoodie.

The blonde woman then dried and brushed her hair into her regular ponytail, before lifting her white and brown cat into her arms and walking downstairs into the living room with her.

"Ok my precious! It's, achoo, achoo, breakfast time!", she turned away to sneeze, so she doesn't spread her germs onto her pet.

The lead firefighter opened a tin of cat food to feed Miss Pawdry and she happily chewed her breakfast as she was starving, while her owner freshened up her water, so she could have a drink.

The poorly woman, who wasn't feeling very hungry lied down on the sofa to rest for a while and her cat soon snuggled under her arms once she had finished eating.

An hour later, Penny slowly got up from the sofa, still feeling like crap and she hugged her cat, before leaving the house to walk to the fire station for her shift.

While she was walking towards the building that helps her earn a roof over her head and food on her plate, she met up with her best friend outside the fire service and they greeted each other with a high five like they do every morning.

"Hi penny, how are you?", Sam greeted casually, "I'm alright!", she replied with a sore throat, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Are you sure your ok? You look really pale and unwell!", the hero next door addressed, "I'm not feeling great, I've been coughing and sneezing all morning, but that's no excuse to stop working, so don't even try!", she confessed in a hoarse tone and walked inside the fire station.

The red haired man knew that his friend was a strong and stubborn person, who would help anyone even if she's about to faint, but maybe spending a few hours at work will exhaust her into leaving early and taking it easy, until she's fully recovered.

He then entered the building and walked upstairs into the kitchen, seeing his BFF in her station uniform and having a hot cup of tea with the rest of the team.

He joined his fellow colleagues at the table and they were all enjoying their hot beverages with a light conversation, until SO Steele walked into the room, ordering all the firefighters to stand in a line by rank.

Sam stood in the line first and Penny was standing next to him, then it was Elvis, then Ellie and then finally Arnold, was how the line went as they listened to what there superior had to say.

While they were all listening to their boss's lesson, the red haired man could hear the sounds of his friend coughing and chattering teeth as she was visibly shivering, so he discreetly wrapped an arm around her to keep her warm as she rested her head on his left shoulder, feeling lethargic.

Just as Station Officer Steele had finished going over the dangers of candles and gas canisters, the map screen 700 started beeping as an emergency came in.

"Do you think you'll be able to handle the rescue, Pen!", the hero next door whispered into her ear, "I'll be, cough, achoo fine!", she replied in a low voice.

"There's a forest fire at the camping grounds!", the boss pressed the fire alarm and shouted through the speaker phone as his employees slid down the pole.

"Arnold and Ellie, you take Venus 2, Elvis and Penny your with me in Jupiter!", Sam instructed and they all answered with roger that, before putting their rescue uniforms on and getting into the vehicles.

Jupiter was first to leave the fire station with venus following behind, both engines having their loud sirens and bright blue lights on as they headed to save the civilians of Pontypandy.

The poorly woman was sandwiched in between the two men and while the red haired man was driving Jupiter, she laid her head on his shoulder again, feeling really low on her energy as she continued to splutter, which didn't go unnoticed by the rockstar.

"Penny, are you ok? Your face is pale and your cheeks are as red as tomatoes?", her colleague questioned sympathetically, "I'll be alright, Elvis! Cough, cough, It's just a nasty cold!", she held her hand to her mouth as she spoke during the ride to the campsite.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now