Chapter 2

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Jupiter and venus arrived at the camping grounds within a few minutes and were parked a safe distance away from the blazing forest fire, before all the firefighters got out of the vehicles to huddle in a circle and discuss the situation.

"Elvis and Sam, check if there, cough, cough, are any stranded campers and help them to safety, Ellie, you can put the, achoo, achoo, small fires out with the floppy shovel and Arnold, radio, cough, achoo, Krystyna for back up!", Penny gave out the tasks in a hoarse tone, feeling her throat aching inside.

Everyone said roger that to the second lead firefighter, who examined the situation thoroughly and they all went to play their part in putting the fires out, so it doesn't get out of control or hurt anyone.

Once Arnold had radioed Krystyna and the other two male firefighters had helped the people, who had been blocked by the fire, they joined the women with floppy shovels and hoses to help decrease the hot flaming embers.

The blonde woman was still aiming the hose at the fire to cool it down, ignoring her continuous coughing and sneezing, which caused her energy to drain rapidly and it didn't go unnoticed by her colleagues.

"Are you ok, Penny?", the brunette man questioned in concern, "I'm fine Arnold! It, achoo, achoo, was just a sneeze, cough!", she justified with her sore throat and continued doing her job as a firefighter.

While everyone was putting the huge forest fire out, Sam looked up for a second and quickly noticed fireswift flying in the air, "Let's stand back everyone, air support is coming!", he notified his team and they all ran back to Jupiter, so the aircraft could do it's job.

When everyone was standing by the vehicles, they saw their second lead firefighter still putting the blaze out with her hose, so they all called out to her, but her ill state made her less vigilant to what was happening.

Just as the brunette woman had started spraying the water from her plane onto the burning embers, the hero next door ran up to his crush and pushed her out of the way, both of them rolling down the camping area.

Once they had came to a halt on the grass, Sam was on top of Penny and he lifted his head up, causing them to lock eyes for a few seconds, before he stood up and helped her to her feet as well.

The two lead firefighters joined the rest of their team as fireswift put the blazing forest fire out and headed back to the airport.

Once the fire was out, Ellie and Arnold headed back to the station in Venus, while the other three gave the campers advise about putting camp fires out and being safe around them.

When they said sorry for causing a fire and putting people at risk, the three firefighters got into Jupiter and the blonde woman was sandwiched in between them like earlier, before resting her head on the red haired man's shoulder and staying wide awake during the ride back, even though she was still feeling drained and lethargic.

When they reached the fire service, the hero next door stretched a hand out to his poorly BFF and she took it as he helped her slowly get out of the huge engine.

The unwell woman started blushing crimson red, hoping that her already red cheeks would hide it, because she didn't want anyone to know that she has a soft spot for him. 

When Sam let go of her hand, she went to take her rescue uniform off and she was now back in her station uniform like everyone else as she walked to her locker.

Penny opened the locker door with her key and took her light blue hoodie out to wear around her freezing body to stop herself from constantly shivering, before heading upstairs to the bathroom to take a pee.

When the blonde woman had finished urinating, she lied down on the sofa in the lounge room with a blanket draped over her body.

The red haired man walked upstairs for a cup of tea, but when he saw his best friend lying down on the sofa, he took a seat next her and pressed his hand against her forehead, feeling her burning up inside, whereas the outside of her body was cold.

"You know it won't kill you to take a couple of days or even a week off work, because you're ill like all natural people in this world", the red haired man advised.

"I can't take a day let alone a hole week off work. I'm a firefighter, it's my duty to save the lives of those in need, not the other way round!", the blonde woman covered her face with the blanket.

"Your so stubborn aren't you? Sleep well, before we get called out for another mission, but Station Officer Steele won't mind if you tell him your not feeling too well!", he reminded her as she quickly fell asleep on the sofa.

A few minutes later, the poorly woman was still fast asleep and all her colleagues looked over the sofa, wondering if she's ok or if there was something happening to her that they were not aware of yet.

"Does anyone know what's going on with Penny? She kept coughing and sneezing during the forest fire?", Arnold questioned, approaching the matter first.

"Your right! I noticed it when she came into the station, she had red cheeks and a pale face that's still there!", Ellie added to the discussion.

"There's nothing wrong with her, she's just got a nasty cold and I'm pretty sure she doesn't want you lot staring at her or talking about her while she's asleep!", the lead firefighter said sternly, making his team move away from the sofa.

The Pontypandy fire crew were now playing a quiet game of firefighters happy families, so their unwell team mate could get the rest her body needs to fight away her cold.

Five minutes later, Penny woke up and just as she had rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes, the map screen 700 started beeping as another emergency came in for today.

"Will you be alright to participate in the rescue?", the hero next door questioned in a concerned tone, "I'll be, cough, achoo, achoo, fine!", she replied roughly through her sneezes.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now