Chapter 21 - The worlds most dangerous picnic

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It was a calm night for Sam, his partner was still on her shift at the station and his little was fast asleep as he had just fallen asleep himself in his summery pyjamas.

At four o'clock in the night, the red haired man groggily woke up to the sound of Sofia's loud crying that meant she needed something, but at the same time he heard footsteps coming closer and closer to his room, revealing his partner standing in front of the door in her station uniform.

"I'll take care of her tonight, sweetie! I haven't fallen asleep yet and besides, you're going to keep her entertained tomorrow as I've been on a twenty-four hour shift and could really do with a lie in!", Penny kissed his forehead as he dozed back off to sleep and she lifted her daughter out of her crib to check what she needed.

"Hey precious! Let me guess, your hungry and needs changing!", the blonde woman let out a yawn as she hadn't slept for a hole day and cradled the blonde baby to her chest as she walked downstairs into the kitchen to make the breast milk formula.

The older woman held Sofia in a reclining position with one arm and held the bottle to her mouth with the other to feed her the milk that would help strengthen her immune system.

Once her little princess had finished drinking, her mama placed her chin on her shoulder to massage and pat her back, until she heard a big burp escape her lips soon followed by a huge spit up.

Penny quickly held her at arms length, causing her spit up to go all over her clothes, "looks like someone needs changing? Which is perfect timing because you probably need your diaper changed as well!", her mother cooed as she laid her down on the living room sofa.

The second lead firefighter stripped her daughters dirty rompers off and felt the front of her padded covering, feeling how drenched it was with pee against her hand.

She opened the tapes on her messy diaper to toss into the bin, before holding her ankles together in the air as she wiped the urine off her skin from front to back with wipes and taping a fresh padded covering around her tushie.

"There we go, you're as fresh as a daisy again. Now let's goto sleep, because mama is exhausted!", the older woman nuzzled her nose with newborns, before quietly carrying her into their bedroom.

She placed her precious pearl inside her crib and turned the animal mobile on that Ellie had got them, soothing the little girl back to sleep.

The little girl instantly fell asleep to the magical music of the mobile attached to her cot, while the blonde woman was changing into a drop top and shorts and lied down next to her lover under the duvet, feeling him subconsciously wrap a hand around her bare waist as she joined him in dreamland.

It was ten o'clock when Penny woke up the next morning, feeling well rested from her twenty-four hour shift and she looked around, realising that her family was nowhere to be seen, meaning that they were downstairs so as not to disturb her slumber. 

The blonde woman slowly got out of bed and headed into the bathroom to take a warm, refreshing shower to make her skin feel relaxed and amazing.

Thirty minutes later, she came out of the lavatory with a towel wrapped around her torso and another wrapped around her hair as she walked into her room, opening her wardrobe to decide on what to wear today as it was hers and her significant others day off.

The second lead firefighter got dressed into grey leggings with a matching hoodie, before sitting at her vanity to take the towel off her head and style her blonde hair into her usual low ponytail.

Now that the second lead firefighter was ready, she walked downstairs and saw her partner giving Sofia a feed in the living room as she leaned on the door frame, quietly watching without either of them noticing.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now