Chapter 22 - Girls night only

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It was a warm night in Pontypandy that most of the civilians were sleeping with their air conditioning on in order to have a good, peaceful sleep.

Penny and Sam didn't have their air conditioning, because all the noise might scare their daughter, plus they preferred to sleep naked and their little one liked sleeping in just her padded covering as well.

Everything in their house was dead silent, until Sofia started crying at 04:30, causing both her parents to groan loudly as they woke up.

"I'll go for her, Samuel! Besides it's my day off today!", Penny offered as her lover has an early shift at eight o'clock today, so she unwillingly got out of bed to see what their three months old girl wants.

The blonde woman lifted her precious pearl out of her cot and held her against her warm chest to soothe her tears away, before she grabbed the milk bottle out of the bottle warmer and sat down on the rim of the bed, holding her in a reclined position on her nude body to start feeding the hungry girl.

Once the blonde baby had finished three quarters of the bottle, her mom placed her on her shoulder to massage her bare back, until she let out a big burp from all the gas building up inside her tiny stomach that was growing.

"Excuse you, precious! Now I'm sure your diaper is fuller then your dad's dick!", the older woman teased and she sweared that she saw her significant other smiling in his sleep.

The second lead firefighter then lifted her daughters bum to her nose and she gagged as she inhaled an unpleasant scent that smelt horrible.

"You really need to be changed as soon as possible!", she held her nose as she sat down on the bedroom floor and laid Sofia in front of her to open the tapes on her diaper, revealling a mountain of brown mess that was inside.

Penny held the baby's ankles together in the air as she rapidly cleaned all the poop thst was smeared on her skin off with wipes, before taping a fresh one around her bum, making sure that ot wasn't too tight.

"There we go, now you're as fresh as a rose!", her mother complemented as she kissed her cheek and laid her back down in her cot, so she could go back to sleep and continue dreaming.

The blonde woman was now lying back down on the double bed to fall asleep again, but her phone started buzzing loudly, causing her to groan as she picked the device up to see that Helen was texting her.

"Hey penny! I thought you might be awake, so I thought that this might a good time to tell you that Lizzie and Bronwyn are coming down mines for a girls night today at seven o'clock in the evening, and we were wondering if you want to join us!", she read the long paragraph to herself.

"Yes, I'll be there for girls night!", she replied very shortly as she was exhausted, before putting her phone back and snuggled into her lovers chest, finally falling asleep.

When the morning arouse, the warmth during the night could still be felt during the day as it was summer after all.

Penny nakedly woke up to the morning light, rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes and stretching her muscles, before realising that the space next to her was empty.

She then checked her clock on her phone, realising that he's probably taking a bath, so she looked inside the crib and saw that Sofia was still fast asleep, which gave her an appotunity to be with Sam as she sneaked into the bathroom.

The blonde woman saw her partner in the bathtub full of bubbles and she quietly climbed in to sit in front of him, but he noticed straight away.

"What are you doing up so early, honey? And where's our little girl?", the red haired man questioned curiously, "I couldn't sleep anymore and our precious pearl is still asleep, so I thought I'd join you in the bath!", she turned to face him as she replied.

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