Chapter 20 - The seven wonders of Pontypandy part 2

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It was a peaceful morning in Pontypandy, only being able to hear the sound of the birds chirping a harmonious melody in the clear sky.

Sam woke up to the morning light, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes and stretching his muscles, before turning to look at the love of his life sleeping next to him and their little girl doing the same in her cot.

"Pen! Pen! Wake up, you're going to be late for work!", he gently shook her shoulder, causing her to stir and she pulled the blanket over her head in annoyance.

"Is everything alright, love?", the red haired man questioned sympathetically, not understanding why his partner was so tired when he was the one who fed Sofia at four o'clock last night.

"I'm fine, dear! I'm just tired!", Penny replied as she moved the covers from her head and sat up, resting her head on her lovers shoulder as she was just not feeling like getting out of bed today.

"Can't I sleep for another hour!", the blonde woman yawned and lied back down on the double bed, "not today, dear! You've got work to attend!", he reminded her as he lied down next to her.

"Urghh! Fine I'll get up!", she gave in and smiled as she leaned in to delicately kiss her significant others lips, feeling him instantly reciprocate and they both moved their hands to each others necks as they started having a make out session.

While they were having some fun, they were soon interrupted by the loud crying noises coming from their baby girl lying down in her crib.

"I'll go for him Samuel! Because it's my turn, just go and get ready, before we become late for work!", his partner emphasised and passionately kissed her forehead, before disappearing into the bathroom.

"Now, let's see what's wrong with you, my precious pearl!", Penny cooed as she lifted her daughter out of the crib and held her against her chest, watching her quickly searching for her breasts with her head. 

"Oooh, looks like someone hungry? Let's get you some milk and then a change, smelly bum!", her mom teased as she could feel her full diaper, not to mention the disgusting odour coming to her noise.

The blonde haired woman headed downstairs into the kitchen to make a bottle of formula milk and heat it up, before sitting on the living room sofa to feed the eagerly hungry baby.

The blonde baby had finished the entire bottle and was now placed on her adoptive mothers shoulder to pat and massage her back, not stopping until she had let out a big burp from all the gasp built in her tiny tummy.

"There we go dear! Now it's time to change you and make you feel clean again, before you leak yourself!", the second lead firefighter took all the newborns clothes off and she started crying again.

Penny then opened the tapes in Sofia's padded covering and held her ankles together in the air as she wiped all the poop off her skin from front to back, while she continued to violently cry.

Once the blonde woman had had taped a fresh diaper around her tushie and had dressed her into a blue romper, she held her still crying baby in the air and nuzzled her noise with hers, "there we go, you're fresh as a daisy again, so please stop crying!", she begged, but it wouldn't work.

Thirty minutes later, Sam came walking downstairs, hearing his daughters loud wailing as he entered the living room, farrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"What's wrong with her?", the red haired man questioned sympathetically, "I don't know, darling? I've fed, burped and changed her, but she's still crying nonstop!", his partner expressed.

"She's probably just cranky like you were this morning. I'll take her with me to make breakfast in the kitchen, while you rapidly get ready, so we can take our little joy for a walk in the pram to calm her down before work!", the love of her life suggested as he grabbed the baby carrier to strap around his waist and place their newborn daughter inside.

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