Chapter 14 - Who let the cat out

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Sam yawned as he woke up to the bright morning sun and rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, before turning around to stare at his beautiful partner.

He then started kissing all over Penny's face to try to wake her up, "urghhhhh! Give me ten more minutes!", she groaned in annoyance and pulled the blanket over her head.

"Come on love! You've had a thousand and we've got work today, unless you'd rather be late!", the red haired man pulled the blanket off her and she quickly sat up, but she hit her head against the back board really hard in the process.

"Are you alright, honey?", he questioned sympathetically, "urghhhhh! Leave me alone!", the blonde woman walked out of their room in a bad mood, leaving her lover completely clueless to her strange behaviour this morning.

The hero next door kept wondering why his significant other was in such a bad mood, but he thought to just brush it off and to take a bath to help relieve the stress off his shoulders.

Thirty minutes later, he was all washed and nakedly walked into his room to get dressed into a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, before walking downstairs to start cooking.

When he reached the ground floor of the house, he saw his lover resting in her sweatshirt and trousers on the sofa, who still looked like she needed some more space in order for him to talk to her calmly.

Sam walked through the living room and into the kitchen to wash his hands, before putting his apron on to gather all the ingredients he needs to start cooking the most important meal of the day.

Once the breakfast pancakes had been cooked, he left the two plates on the side to cool down as he sat next to Penny on the sofa, wrapping his right arm around her shoulder to pull her closer to him.

"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you today, sweetie! Because your not normally like this?", the red haired man spoke in concern as he knew her personality way too well, "it's nothing I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, that's all, babe!", the blonde woman replied as she held a hand against her head.

"It's ok, we all have our bad and moody days or moments, but let's take a look at your head, because you hit it really hard on the back board of the bed this morning, love!", he removed her hand, revealing the red bump on her head.

"It's not too bad, it's just a bump and an ice pack will soon fix that!", her lover concluded as he passionately kissed her forehead to make it feel better, before he went into the kitchen to fetch what he needed.

"Here, this will help decrease the pain and lower the bump on your head!", the lead firefighter sat down and brushed her strands of hair away from the injury to hold the ice pack against her forehead, causing her to feel a sense of relief to her injury.

"Thanks for everything sweetheart! And I'm sorry if I was a bit moody this morning!", the second lead firefighter remorsefully apologised, "it's ok, we all get cranky some times, but now let's eat breakfast, before it gets too cold!", he replied.

Sam went into the kitchen to bring the breakfast out onto the table and they both ate the magnificent meal that would never get boring or loose it's incredible taste full of flavour.

Once they had both finished eating breakfast, Penny took the ice pack off her head and they both got dressed into their station uniforms for their shift, before closing the gap between them as they cupped each other’s cheeks to share a deep kiss on the lips.

When they parted their lips to breathe, they put their jackets on and discreetly walked the few steps to the fire service, because they didn't want anyone to find out that they were in a relationship.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now