Chapter 23 - The flower and vegetable show

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It was a peaceful night in the house close by the firestation where the happy couple lived with their adoptive daughter.

It was two o'clock in the morning, when Penny started stirring and woke up, quickly sitting up as she thought that Sofia was crying, but realised that everything was silent as she flopped back down onto the mattress, sighing loudly.

"What's wrong love?", Sam questioned sympathetically as he stared at her facial features, while brushing his fingers through her golden locks.

"It's nothing darling! I just can't goto sleep!", she replied honestly, "it's ok, we'll think of something!", he passionately kissed her forehead, before lifting her body up and placing her on her side on top of him.

"There, there sweetheart! Let's try and make you fall asleep!", the red haired man bent down to peck her lips and she instantly reciprocated the gesture, causing the connection to deepen as they cupped each other's cheeks.

Once they had parted their lips to inhale the oxygen through their noses, the hero next door quickly stripped all her clothes off and placed her nude body on the mattress as he spreaded her legs out, staring at her sexy female organs as he took his clothes off as well, revealling his bulging dick that was erecting strongly.

Just as the lovebirds were about to have a nice rough round of sex, they were immediately interrupted by the loud wailing of their seven months old girl in her cot.

They both got up and stared at their upset precious pearl as her mum picked her up out of her cot and cradled her against her chest.

"What's wrong princess? Is something bothering you?", the blonde woman cooed as she rubbed her back to try to calm her down as she knew that she wasn't hungry or needed her nappy changed as those things had just been taken care of an hour ago.

"Look Pen! Sofia is dribbling!", he pointed out as he grabbed a tissue from the bedside table to clean the mess from her mouth.

"Come on, let's goto the bathroom so we can investigate further!", her mama decided and her parents interlocked their hands as they entered the room they wanted.

Her partner sat on the closed toilet seat and she gave their daughter to him, holding her in his lap as she was facing his lover.

She gave her baby girl her tooth brush and she immediately put it in her mouth, taking it out a second later with bite marks all over it.

"Awww, our baby has got her first tooth, no wonder she's being so fussy tonight!", the adults cheered in unison, before taking it in turns to stick their fingers in her mouth to feel something poking out of her gums at the top.

They then headed down to the kitchen to take an ice popsicle out of the freezer and give it to Sofia, so she could bite on it and hopefully it'll calm the pain from her new tooth.

After the blonde baby had finished her little snack, Sam laid her down on the living room floor to open the tapes on her sagging padded covering and held her ankles together in the air as he wiped the pee off her skin from front to back, before taping a clean nappy around her bum.

"There we go, now you smell as fresh as a daisy again!", he cooed and sloppily kissed her cheek, causing her to giggle as they both turn to look at the other woman, who seemed to be busy on her phone in the sofa.

"What you doing, honey?", the red haired man questioned his significant other as he got up with their precious pearl and started swaying his hips to help her fall back to sleep as Penny looked up from her phone and smiled at the cute moment.

"It's nothing. Me and Ellie were just being silly, but we've managed to calm our daughter down, because she's already asleep, look!", she pointed at the seven months old, who was now resting her head against her dad's chest.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now