Chapter 5 - 1st day of recovery

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It was a nice and warm summers day in Pontypandy for everyone to get out and seize the day, but it also means that the fire brigade are going to busy putting out fires that can easily be caused by the suns raise.

Sam woke up to the sounds of chattering teeth and rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, before turning around to see Penny shivering like an iceberg in this heat.

"Are you ok, Pen? How long have you been awake and shivering for?", he questioned sympathetically, "only for, achoo, achoo, fifteen minutes!", the poorly woman replied in a rough tone throughher cold state.

"Well, then let's get you into the bathroom to warm your body up!", the red haired man got up and lifted his hand out to help her out of bed as well.

He wrapped his right arm around her back and interlinked his free hand with her arm as he slowly helped her walk to the lavatory in her freezing and unwell state.

The hero next door then left the blonde haired woman to do her business in private, while he went downstairs to feed Miss Pawdry as she kept weaving in and out of his legs.

Once he had made sure that his friends cat had been fed and had fresh water, he headed back upstairs to run his sick BFF a hot bath to help with her iced body.

Sam gently knocked the door with his knuckles and waited for the poorly woman to give him permission to enter, but instead he heard loud groaning from inside the room.

He quickly opened the door and saw Penny bending down with her head in the proceleain toilet bowl as she gagged and vomited the food from yesterday out of her body.

The red haired man rapidly sat next to her, holding her hair back and rubbing her back in a circular motion to help soothe her retching state and tensed body.

Twenty minutes later, the blonde woman had stopped throwing up and collapsed sideways onto her BFF, feeling cold, weak and utterly exhausted from everything.

"Are you ok?", he questioned in a concerned tone as he felt her freezing forehead, "no, I feel, cough, cough, terrible!", she confessed hoarsely as her aching muscles gave in to her weak body.

"It's ok, your sick, it's normal to feel like this, so let's get you into the tub and hopefully it'll make your body feel better!", the hero next door suggested and helped the poorly woman sitting up once she had regained a bit of strength.

He filled the bathtub full of burning hot water to battle against her icy body and he helped her take her pyjamas off, feeling his penis twitching and making his pyjama trousers feel tight, but mostly he was concerned about his best friend.

Sam left Penny in the bathroom and headed back to the guestroom, so she could take her lingerie off and bathe in the amazing water that made her freezing body melt in the heat.

Thirty minutes later, she climbed out of the boiling tub and drained the water, before getting dressed into a baggy sweater and leggings.

Penny walked into the guestroom with a towel wrapped around her hair and she saw Sam sitting on the bed with his feet out, reading a book in a t-shirt and jeans.

"Hi, how are you feeling now? Has your freezing body been warmed up?", he questioned sympathetically, "I feel.....", the blonde woman was about to reply when she suddenly started feeling dizzy.

"Pen, are you alright?", her friend furrowed his eyebrows in concern and walked up to her, but her vision was blurred with black fog and she felt weak like before.

"SAM!!!", she screamed as she fainted to the floor, but luckily the hero next door caught her just in time and laid her down on the double bed, before tucking her under the duvet and grabbing a wet cloth to place on her forehead to help gain her consciousness back.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now