Chapter 25 - Fastest food

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The first few days of the couples long weeks off were quite chilled. Sam would normally help Penny with her extreme pain, before holding her to make her recovery as pleasant and comfortable as possible, but she would dismiss his affection and closure if Sofia asked him to play with her.

As the week progressed, the injured woman's arm and back after surgery started to feel a lot better, so she took small steps to be with her family.

Firstly, starting to walk downstairs as that was way too painful for her to do at the beginning and was now starting to go on small outings with her family towards the end of their six weeks off, but would need to rest afterwards on the sofa as her energy drained rapidly.

Once the six weeks of recovery were over for the two loved birds, things went back to normal at home, but at work the second lead firefighter had to do light duty for six weeks, before she was now going back to fighting on the front line besides her partner.

"Hmmm!", Sam groaned as he woke up to the dalmatian dog licking his face in happiness, "sit Radar!", he commanded and his four legged friend obeyed.

The red haired man then turn around to look at the time on his phone, "Oh, my God! We're going to be late for work. Our shift starts in thirty minutes!", he gasped in shock, realising that he and his partner have overslept.

"Love! Love! Wake up!", he quickly shaked her and she woke up in an annoyed mood, "what's wrong babe? Good morning to you too!", she spoke calmly as she passionately kissed his lips.

"This is no time for a romantic session, dear! We've got thirty minutes to get ourselves and Sofia ready!", her lover showed her the time on his phone and she gasped in shock just like him, totally panicking about them oversleeping.

They both rapidly stripped their clothes off and nakedly ran into the bathroom. The blonde woman sat on the toilet to pee, while her significant other was brushing his teeth and then they swapped.

They had no time to take a bath as they hurried out of the lavatory and quickly got dressed into their blue station uniforms, helping each other with the buttons and belts to save time.

"Honey! You go down to the kitchen to make some breakfast for our daughter as we don't have time to eat, while I wake her up!", his girlfriend advised as the work would be done twice as fast if they divide and conquer.

The second lead firefighter entered the two year olds bedroom, gently shaking her shoulder and she woke up with a cute yawn as she rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes.

"Good morning mana!", she greeted in a small voice, "hello to you too. I'm do sorry dear, but me and your dad are running late for work, so will have to be quick!", she ranted to her daughter, but she understood.

"Ok, now let's take you to the potty!", her mother took all her clothes off as she carried her towards the bathroom on her hips, placing her in a standing position in front of her potty as she ripped her soaking nappy full of urine off and sat her nude body down on the potty.

The blonde girl did a quick pee, before her mom wiped her from front to back in between her folds and brushed her teeth, even though she was naked.

The two females then entered the little ones bedroom again after washing up and her mom dressed her into princess training panties, a crop top and a mini skirt, before they both ran downstairs into the living room.

"Hey you two! You got our precious pearl ready really quickly!", Sam complemented as their daughter sat down at the table and he served her cereal.

While their princess was eating, the lovebirds sat next to each other on the other sofa and shared a savage kiss on the lips.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now