Chapter 12 - 1st day back to work

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(The start of Penny's nightmare)

"OI! GET UP RIGHT NOW!!!", Alex walked into his daughters room and violently shaked her awake, dad, please can I lie in, I'm bit feeling very well!", an eleven year old Penny clutched her stomach as she was expierencing her very first period just like her puberty classes had described. 

"No, you can't lie in you slut! I know you've started your menstrual cycle and you need to be punished for growing up!", he shouted.

"But why? It's just a period and all the women in the world get there's, so why should it be any different for me, dad?", the growing girl questioned in confusion.

"Because your my daughter and I don't want you to ever have another period, do you understand!", the brunette man started becoming really nasty to his daughter that he use to love and protect.

Alex dragged Penny out of her bed and stripped all her clothes off, before dragging her into his bedroom, while she was bleeding all over the floor as she wasn't wearing any sanitary products to prevent it.

He laid the growing girl down on his double bed and spreaded her legs out to instantly sit in front of her and place her feet in his shoulders as he started thrusting his huge erection really hard into her entrance, not caring about the blood as he was being rough.

Once his orgasm had washed over him, he started thrusting again, not giving Penny nude body have a single second to breathe or have a break.

After about three rounds of sex, Alex turned his daughter on to her belly and she started feeling an unbearable pain in her abdomen as her cramps were becoming worse from her fathers abuse.

The brunette man got a hair brush and started hitting the blonde teenagers bum with the back of it, starting off hard and then becoming extremely harder as she kept screaming from the pain as he wouldn't stop, until her ass was dark red.

Once he had finished abusing his pathetic and slut of a daughter for starting puberty, he taped a diaper around her buttocks, telling her to use it for it's natural function as he walked her around the streets, shouting repeatedly:

"My daughter started her period and she has big boobs. She's always wetting and pooping the bed like a baby and she's always desperate for sex like a horny slut!".

Her dad then stopped at the park and laid the period teenager down on the bench, opening up the tapes on her diaper and holding her ankles together in the air as he wiped her smelly bum from back to front to make sure all the infections go into her vagina.

When he had finished cleaning the blood and poop off Penny's buttocks, he made her take lots of laxatives, causing her to shit herself and leave her in a dirty diaper, so she gets a diaper rash and spanks her inflamed, painful bottom.

(The end of Penny's nightmare)

"Ahhhhh!", Penny restlessly woke up in shock as she sat up with her hand clenched into a fist against her chest, gasping for air and tears silently rolling down her cheeks.

Once she had managed to calm down from the past that she was visualising in her sleep, she kissed her sleeping partners hand, before quietly getting out of bed and heading into the bathroom.

She sat on the toilet to pee, before stripping all her clothes off and getting into the bath, enjoying the pleasant water that relaxed her body as she allowed everything in her head to drift away.

Twenty minutes later, she climbed out off her bathtub and dried herself with her towel, before nakedly walking back into the guestroom and lying down next to her partner.

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