Chapter 15 - Day off

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It was a wonderful, hot sunny day in Pontypandy for everyone to enjoy the brilliant weather and the two love birds woke up at the same time in each others arms.

They lost themselves in one another's mesmerising pupils as they closed their eyes and leaned forwards to connect their lips for a deep, good morning kiss.

When they had parted their lips to inhale the oxygen through their noses, they stayed snuggled into each others warm, sexy bodies that made them never want to part.

"Good morning, babe! Can we start eating breakfast, because I'm absolutely starving!", Penny complained as her furious tummy rumbled loudly in response.

"Sure, honey! And then we're going to get you into the bathtub to get that smelly cat scent off your stinky body ASAP!", Sam nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.

"Oi! Stop being so mean just because the cat didn't stink you up, dear!", the blonde woman cuddled her bodily odoured skin against his front to get comfy.

"Well, it's no secret that you smell like shit, based on how everyone in the station ran away when you entered the kitchen yesterday!", the red haired man teased as he bent down to sniff her tummy, breathing in the horrible scent.

"I know, but it was either stink or let the cat die in the well, which would've been just cruel!", she folded her arms over her chest, "you're right, sweetie! Now let's go and get some food, before your tummy turns into a monster!", he teased playfully.

Sam interlaced his fingers with hers and walked downstairs, letting his partner sit down and get comfy on the sofa, so she doesn't cause any contamination to the food.

He then walked into the kitchen to wash his hands thoroughly and tie an apron around him, before cooking a quick and easy breakfast full of vitamins and nutrients to start both of their days off with some brain food.

While the red haired man was making the food, Radar and Miss Pawdry walked near Penny, but they quickly turned away as she still stinks like a disgusting drain and they walked into the kitchen to eat their food in a fresh atmosphere.

"Here we go, babe! Eat up and then it's the bath for you!", her significant other walked in with two bowls full of muesli and nakedly sat next to her nude body as they both started eating the cereal full of nutrients.

Ten minutes later, they had both cleaned their bowls of breakfast and the smelly blonde woman got up to wash all the dishes, putting them away neatly, before walking to the upstairs bathroom with her nude partner.

Sam filled the bathtub full of warm water and helped his lover into the tub, letting her bathe her body in the temperatured water that soaked her skin as he nakedly sat besides the bath on a stool, scrolling through his phone on ways to get rid of the strong, horrible cat smell.

"It says that soaking in baking sofa will help get rid of strong odours, so I'll be back shortly with the solution, dear!", he informed her and pecked her head, before walking downstairs to get what he needed and returning back within seconds.

"Here, this should help with your ghastly body scent!", the red haired teased, "don't bulky me honey!", his significant other pouted as he added four cups of baking soda into her relaxing bath.

An hour later, Penny decided that it was time to get out of the tub, but as soon as she climbed out, her partner held his nose, "you probably need more then one bath, sweetheart! Because you still stink terribly!", he spoke honestly.

The blonde woman then refilled the bathtub with hot water as it had gone cold and her lover put another four cups of baking soda inside, before she started bathing again in the solution to her smell.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now