Chapter 10 - 6th day of recovery

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Sam let out a yawn as he woke up to the summer heat and rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes as he sank into the cool, cosy mattress.

He then gently patted the his girlfriend to wake her up, but when he couldn't feel her body, he turned around and gasped in shock at the empty place next to him.

"Pen! Penny!", he called out in panick, fearing that something bad might have happened to her, but his tensed state instantly calmed down as he heard the sound of the flush from the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, Penny entered the guestroom with a towel wrapped around her hair and was wearing her bathrobe and lingerie underneath it.

"What are you doing up so early in the morning, honey?", the red haired man furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "my pad needed changing and I leaked my trousers a bit, babe!", she replied in embarrassment as she sat on the bed and pushed herself back to fit perfectly into her boyfriends arms as she snuggled into him.

"That's ok, sweetie! How are you feeling today, darling? Because yesterday you were having cramps that caused severe pain in your tummy?", he questioned lovingly.

"Well, apart from the blood that I have zero control over and pours out of my vagina every second, I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday, especially now that my fever has gone, sweetheart!", the blonde woman spoke enthusiastically.

"That's great to hear, so do you want to go abseiling today, or do you want to wait till tomorrow!", her lover asked, "I love abseiling and I want to go right now!", she squealed like an overactive child.

"Ok, ok, love! But let's get some food into you, because it won't do you any good if you faint on the cliffs!", the sky blue eyed man delicately kissed her forehead and she pulled him forward for a passionate kiss on the lips.

When they had parted their lips, the chocolate brown eyed woman took her bathrobe off and sat at her vanity in her underwear, before taking the towel off her head to brush her hair into her usual ponytail, while her significant other was getting dressed for their day out.

Sam had just slipped his knee-length shorts on and took his pyjama top off, before walking up to his girlfriend and discreetly wrapping his arms around her nude body as he pressed his bare, muscular abs against her strong back, feeling the shivers running down both of their spines.

Penny then took his arms off her and got up from her vanity to stare into his mesmerising blue pupils as they both lost themselves in each others gazes, causing them to place their hands on one another's waists, the place where they love to claim their dominance.

"I like what your playing at, sweetie! But I'd rather not get into the moment as I don't like doing things like that when I'm bleeding, and I'm also.....!", her ranting was interrupted by the sound of her stomach growling loudly.

"Looks like someone needs to rapidly get some nutrients into her belly!", her lover teased as he lifted her up and carried her towards the double bed, lying her down with himself as they lovingly faced each other, tracing their muscles with their fingers.

Once they had stopped messing about, the red haired man put a t-shirt on and his girlfriend put a long pair of shorts and t-shirt on, before they interlaced their fingers and headed downstairs.

The blonde woman was sitting down on the sofa for a few seconds, until her boyfriend brought their muesli into the living room and sat next to her as they started to eat their nutritious breakfast.

After breakfast, they washed and dried all the dishes, putting them away in their proper places as they were about to leave, but the female widened her eyes and quickly grasped her lovers shoulder to grab his attention.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now