Chapter 6 - 2nd day of recovery

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It was another hot day in Pontypandy with the sun shining high in the sky and not a single cloud insight, making the weather enjoyable for everyone as well as making sure to protect your self from the UV raise.

Sam woke up to the sun shining through the small gap at the top of their certain and he rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, before turning around and gasping in shock from the empty space next to him that's meant to be filled.

"Penny? Pen? Where are you?", he called out worriedly, "Sam! Samuel!", he could hear a weak voice coming from the bathroom.

The red haired man gently knocked on the door, but after hearing no response, he pushed the door open slightly and looked behind it to see his weak BFF with her knees up to her chest in the corner.

"Pen!", he exclaimed happily and closed the door, before squatting down in front of her and placing a hand on her right shoulder, "what's wrong? You still look pale?", he questioned sympathetically in a concerned tone.

"I've been vomiting three, achoo, achoo, times this morning and, cough, cough, now I feel really, achoo, achoo, achoo, weak and lethargic!", Penny replied hoarsely, tilting her head to the side.

"It's ok, Pen! I'm here now, I know you've been feeling rough, but it's ok!", he rubbed her cheek with his thumb, before sitting down next to her.

Five minutes later, the hero next door helped the blonde woman get up and walk back into the guestroom, sitting her down on the rim of the bed.

"Now, let's get you dressed into some clothes, before I call Helen to come and check up on you, because I'm pretty sure she'll have a few concerns if she sees us in our pants!", he explained as they were both still in their underwear from yesterday.

He close his eyes while his best friend was getting dressed, so as not to see her lady parts, and she did the same for him, so she doesn't see his manhood.

They were both dressed into long sleeved tops and baggy jeans, before Sam carefully helped Penny lie down on the double bed.

He then got his phone out and rang Mrs Floods number, receiving a hello from the other end straightaway, "hi Helen, I was wondering if you could come and check on Penny, because she's been vomiting all morning and she's been really pale!", the red haired man informed her.

"Of course Sam, I'll be there straight away!", the towns nurse spoke enthusiastically, "that's great, Helen! Thanks!", he expressed his gratitude as he hanged up and told the poorly woman what was going on.

Two minutes later, the hero next door heard a knock on the door and he looked at his BFF, holding her hand for a second, before going downstairs to answer the door.

He opened the front door and leaded the nurse up to the guestroom where her ill patient was lying down in bed.

Helen entered the room and she check the blonde woman's pulse and heartbeat, before checking the rest of her body.

"Has she been able to eat anything, Sam?", she questioned curiously, "she has been eating, but she keeps vomiting it out!", he replied curtly.

Nurse flood prescribed the ill female with some anti-nausea pills, so she could actually manage to eat something without throwing up.

"Thanks for your help Helen!", Sam said graciously, "your welcome!", she responded, before leaving the building and leaving the two oblivious crushes alone.

The hero next door returned to the guestroom after locking the front door and he saw his BFF lying down with her fury friend on top of her on the double bed.

He then walked into the room and lied down next to her, "I wish I was well, cough, cough, enough to take Miss Pawdry, achoo, achoo, to Annie's animal parade, cough, cough, cough, today, Samuel!", Penny heavily sighed in defeat.

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