Chapter 3

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"Sarah, Mandy and Norman are stranded on a rowing boat in the middle of the ocean. Sam and Penny, we're going to need you two down there!", SO Steele pressed the fire alarm and shouted through the speaker phone as the lead firefighters slid down the pole.

The female firefighter sat in the passenger seat of Venus and the male firefighter sat in the drivers seat, both of them clicking their seatbelts for safety as he drove the rescue engine towards the ocean activity centre.

They reached the quay within a few minutes and the two firefighters got out of the vehicle to run into the centre and put their swimming uniforms on.

While Penny was doing the straps on her uniform, she kept encouraging herself that she can do it as she was starting to feel worse.

When they had both finished getting changed, the blonde woman took the drivers seat of Neptune and her BFF opened the hatch, before standing behind her and holding onto the back of the chair as she launched the rescue boat.

She had only managed to drive for a few minutes, before suddenly stopping and feeling the nausea in her system taking over her.

"Are you ok, Pen?", Sam questioned sympathetically, but she didn't answer him and clasped her mouth with her hands as she moved to the side of the boat to open her mouth and vomit into the sea.

While she was puking, her colleague rubbed her back in a circular motion to soothe her and help her calm down from being sick.

After a few minutes, the poorly woman had stopped throwing up and lied down on Neptune, feeling really weak and tired.

"Sam.... I can't, achoo, achoo, go on like this....", she hoarsely spoke in a weak tone, "ok, I'll call Tom Thomas to take you back to the ocean rescue centre!", he replied in a calm voice.

Sam radioed Tom to come to Neptune in the sea with wallaby 2 through his walkie talkie and while he was coming all the way down from the valley's, he kept the unwell woman cool and calm as she was now suffering from a fever.

"Its ok, penny! Everything's going to be ok, Tom is on his way now, so just take deep breaths and think of happy thoughts!", the red haired man did his best to stop her from panicking as it would only worsen the situation.

When wallaby 2 propellers could be heard over the boat, he instructed the pilot to lower down the stretcher and he lifted his BFF'S weak body onto the stretcher once it had been lowered and he strapped her into the equipment.

"I'll see you back at the ocean rescue centre!", the hero next door lightly squeezed her shoulder, before Tom Thomas pulled her up into his helicopter and flew towards the helipad.

Now that the poorly woman had been taken back to base, he phoned Helen to examine Penny when they arrive back at the fire station, while he drove Neptune to the rowing boat that the kids were stranded on.

Once he had saved Sarah, Norman and Mandy and gave them a firm telling off about the dangers of not letting anyone know where your going, he headed into the ocean rescue centre and went up the elevator to the helipad.

Sam lifted Penny out of wallaby 2 and carried her weak state down the elevator and slowly took her ocean uniform off, before helping her into Venus and driving back to the station.

"Sam, can you slow, cough, down, my stomachs starting to, achoo, achoo, hurt!", the blonde woman clutched her abdomen as she groaned in pain, so he started driving a lot more slowly and carefully, because the last thing s
he wants is for his friend to throw up inside the rescue truck.

When they arrived at the fire station, the red haired man helped his BFF out of the vehicle and they were instantly meeted by Helen, who took the ill woman into a spare room to examine her.

"Hi Penny, Sam phoned me and told me that your not feeling too well, can you list your symptoms?", the nurse questioned, "I have been coughing, sneezing, I've got a sore throat and I've been sick!", her patient replied.

The dark-haired woman stripped her patients clothes off her body and she told her to nakedly lie down on the bed, so she could thoroughly examine her.

She started checking her lady parts, making sure that they weren't infected, before checking her temperature, breathing and down her throat, looking at how red and swollen it was.

"You've got a cold, pen! So I'm going to give you an injection and some oral pills to take home to decrease your cold, but it will get worse before it gets better!", the towns nurse advised as she got her needle ready.

She injected the vaccine into Penny's thigh, causing her to scream from the pain she was expierencing and the nurse rubbed her arm with her other hand to calm her down.

Once Helen had taken the needles out of her patients skin and covered the injection spot with a plaster to stop the blood from oozing out, she helped her get dressed back into her station uniform.

While the poorly woman was being looked over, the hero next door pasted back and forth, worrying greatly about his BFF'S health, until his superior came out of his office.

"Sam! I think it would be best if you looked after Penny, since you guys are BFF'S and are of the same rank, it would be much easier for you to help her recover!", his boss recommended and he gracefully accepted the offer, blushing slightly, but he didn't want anyone to realise that he has a soft spot for Penny.

"Good, now the two lead firefighters have got the week off, so stop standing here and start getting back home to rest!", he said in a playful tone, before heading back into his office to start his huge pile of paperwork.

When Penny came out of the spare room, the hero next door gently hugged her, "don't worry, Pen! I'm going to look after you and make sure you recover!", he linked his arm with hers to help her walk to his car and get into the passenger seat.

Sam drove to his house and opened the front door with his keys to collect a few important items that he will need while he's at her house looking after her, before getting back into his vehicle.

When they reached the blonde woman's house, the red haired man helped her out the car, but she quickly let go of him and opened her door to quickly run upstairs to the bathroom and puke into the proceleain toilet bowl.

Her best friend rapidly pulled his suitcase into the house and locked the front door, before running upstairs to rub the poorly woman's back to calm her and give her some reassurance.

Once Penny had stopped vomiting, she leaned her back against Sam's front as he gave her a glass of water to help get the nasty taste out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry for being, cough, cough, so pathetic when I'm ill, achoo, achoo!", the blonde woman sighed as she closed her eyes for a brief minute, "your not pathetic, you came into work with a nasty cold instead of staying at home, that took more stamina and will power then any of us!", the red haired man spoke encouragingly.

When the female firefighter had regained a bit of her strength back, she walked to her bedroom with the assistance from the male firefighter wrapping a hand around her back to help her steadily walk.

"Can you get dressed by yourself? Or do you need some help?", the hero next door questioned curiously, "I, cough, could do with, achoo, achoo, some help!", she hoarsely replied, feeling her energy fading as she sat on the bed.

The first lead firefighter gave his friend the antibiotics she needs to get better, before taking her station uniform off and staring at her beautiful, petite body, wondering how she would look without her underwear as he could feel his penis growing an erection, but he had to contain himself for the sake of his ill friend.

While Sam was dressing penny into her pyjamas, he noticed a plaster on her thigh and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "pen, why do you have a plaster on your leg?", he questioned curiously.

"Helen gave me an, cough, cough, injection at the fire station, so, achoo, achoo, please don't touch it, cough, achoo, otherwise it'll start hurting!", she solved his question in a rough tone due to her sore throat.

He got the blonde woman dressed into her pyjamas, being very cautious not to touch her leg and he fluffed her pillows, before helping her lie down on her bed with a blanket draped over her as she quickly fell asleep due to the horrible cold she had.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now