Chapter 13 - 2nd day back to work

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Sam woke up to the feeling of the strong, warm summer sun shining on his face and the noise of his alarm clock.

"Urgh! Mornings come so quickly!", he groaned as he rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes and turned to see his girlfriend, who was wide awake.

He then rolled over and was now lying with his tummy facing down and his face at the foot of the bed, feeling someone's smooth hands pulling on his boxers to free his dick and make him nude, knowing that it was obviously Penny.

"Your gluten muscles are so nice and comfy, darling!", his lover complemented as she tiredly rested her face on his bum in her lingerie, "I'm glad you like them!", he replied as he tried to make it more relaxing for her.

The red haired man then kissed his hand and placed it on her right cheek, "how long have you been awake, honey?", he questioned in a concerned tone, "I've been up since four, because.... I've been having a bad tummy.... from constipation!", the blonde woman lied as she yawned from a few hours of less sleep.

"Awwww, my poor princess!", he nakedly flipped over onto his back and passionately kissed the love of his life's forehead as he rubbed her abdomen to help her pass out the gass building up inside her.

"Can we have a bath together? That is if you want one with your sexy girlfriend!", she twitched on top of him, "of course, I always do and it might help with your hurting belly", he placed a hand on her stomach.

The hero next door lifted his lover up bridal style and carried her into the bathroom, setting her down on the closed toilet lid to take her lingerie off and open both taps to fill the tub with water.

Once the bath was ready, he held his significant others hand and they both climbed into the bathtub with her sitting in between his legs and feeling his penis slipping into her anus as they relaxed in the pleasant water that was so relieving and therapeutic.

While they were bathing, Sam wrapped his arms around his lovers neck, overlapping his hands on her chest to massage her temples, "are you feeling any better, honey?", he questioned sympathetically.

"I'm doing ok, babe! The gas seems to be not bothering me for now and I haven't needed the toilet yet!", Penny continued to lie about her fake constipation, because she didn't want to burden him with her past that was making her have previous nightmares.

Thirty minutes later, the love birds climbed out of the bathtub and wrapped a towel around each other as they interlaced their fingers and headed back into their shared bedroom to get dressed into their station uniforms.

"Urgh! I feel like shit!", the female firefighter groaned in exhaustion as she flopped onto the double bed, "come on then, love! Let's get some herbal tea to heal you and then we can start baking for the competition, before we get ready for work as we're still on duty today!", he happily reminded her.

The love birds interlocked their hands as they walked down the stairs, but the blonde woman started feeling sluggish halfway through, so her lover lifted her up bridal style and laid her down on the sofa to rest, while he cooked a simple breakfast, so they could start baking their cooking entries ASAP.

The red haired man made himself some cereal and his lover a cup of herbal tea with some biscuits, because she needed the boost of caffeine to wake her system up and to heal the pain in her abdomen.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now