Chapter 19 - The seven wonders of Pontypandy part 1

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A/N: the fireman Sam episide called the seven wonders of Pontypandy is spreaded across two days, but mine is going to be three days, that's why there's two parts for this chapter.

It had been three days since Penny had sprained her ankle, but she still attended her shifts and would do light work as she was injured.

Her ankle had made a full recovery in the past few days and she would return to fighting on the front line tomorrow as it was her day off today.

The love birds woke up together after falling back to sleep from tending to Sofia's needs in the night, yawning and stretching their muscles, before facing each other and locking eyes.

"Good morning honey! How your ankle feeling?", Sam questioned sympathetically, "it feels much amazing and I can't wait to get back to the action tomorrow. Doing paperwork all day just isn't my thing!", she spoke enthusiastically.

They then looked over at their daughter, who had been fed and changed two hours ago was still deeply sleeping in her crib next to her mums side.

The love birds then cupped each other's cheeks and closed their eyes as they shared a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Fancy a bath together, while Sofia is still sleeping and before your shift starts, love!", Penny suggested and he sloppily kissed her cheek, creating a wet noise in response.

Sam helped his partner get out of bed with her healed ankle that was still in a cast and they interlaced their fingers, walking into the bathroom together, before stripping their clothes off and filling the bathtub full of pure fluids for themselves.

The blonde woman nakedly sat down on the closed toilet lid and stared down at the floor in deep thought, but her significant other already knew the reason for her behaviour as he walked over to her and kneeled down in front of her on the closed toilet.

"Are you ready to take your cast off, sweetheart?", the red haired man questioned softly, "yeah, I'm glad to finally have it taken off, but what if it starts stinging in the water?", she spoke thoughtfully, because during her recovery period she was taking showers.

"If it does start stinging and causing you pain, then we can always use the shower downstairs, there's no difference!", her lover delicately kissed her forehead, before slowly undoing the cast around her foot and helping into the bath.

"Is your ankle hurting in the water?", the hero next door asked, "no, it feels ok!", she replied as they were both cuddling into one another, enjoying the rejuvenating water that made their nude bodies feel so good.

Twenty minutes later, the happy lovers climbed out of the bath and dried each other off with their towels, before nakedly walking into their shared bedroom to get dressed into their casual clothing.

Just as they had gotten dressed, they heard loud crying coming from the cot, both knowing that it was their precious pearl.

"Awwww! Looks like someone's hungry again!", Penny cooed as she lifted Sofia out of her crib and held her against her chest.

"Yeah, and it looks like she wants a body part of yours, dear!", her partner watched their daughter searching for her boobs with her head.

The love birds interlocked their hands and the blonde woman was holding the wailing newborn in the crook of her other arm as they walked down to the living room.

She then sat on the sofa with the hungry baby in her arms, while Sam went into the kitchen to prepare the breast milk for their little girl.

When the red haired man had finished pouring the milk into a bottle, he gave it to his significant other and she fed Sofia the nutrients she had been begging for in her arms.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now