Chapter 16 - A new arrival

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A/N: this chapter will mention child abandonment, physical abuse and trauma, so read to your own comfort.

It was a breezy today in Pontypandy as the leaves of red and Amber fell off the trees and were dancing on the brisk breeze, signalling that autumn has arrived.

Penny, who had been constantly waking up early for the past two weeks due to the trauma of her past catching up to her in her nightmares, she was already nakedly awake and was starting to become cranky from the lack of sleep she was getting.

Sam had just nakedly woken up and he rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, before sitting up and turning around to stare at the magnificent love of his life, leaning in to delicately kiss her lips.

"Good morning, princess! How was your sleep?", he questioned caringly as he had noticed her sleepy, moody behaviour, but he didn't want to say anything, because she would tell him in her own time and especially a lot quicker is she didn't feel forced or peer pressured.

"Good morning, my prince! My sleep has been as rubbish as ever, but it's nothing and hopefully I can catch up the missed sleep now, because my shift doesn't start until five!", she reminded him with a smile, but he still frowned in unamusement.

The red haired man then gently nudged her head onto his shoulder, so she could rest for about an hour, before taking all his clothes off to head into the bathroom for a bath.

"Hmmm, you feel so warm and I love feeling your bare skin, sweetheart!", the blonde woman blurted tiredly as she wrapped her hands around his dick.

"You feel so cosy and I love feeling your sexy, nude body as well!", he placed a hand on her crotch as he kissed her head, "but now I need to take a bath, because my morning shift is starting soon!", he lifted her head up to press against the pillow behind her to free himself.

Twenty minutes later, he nakedly walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his shoulders, seeing his exhausted partner resting on the bed, barely being able to fall asleep from her insomnia or whatever it might be.

Once Sam's body was bone dry and he had gotten dressed into his station uniform for his shift, he carried his sleeping beauty in a bridal position down the stairs and sat her on the sofa as she slouched back.

While Penny was slouching on the couch, Sam was making pancakes for both of them and once they had finished cooking, he put them into two plates and sat next to her on the sofa.

The red haired man was enjoying his pancakes that bursted with flavour in his mouth with every bite he took, but when he turned around he saw his girlfriend sunk into the sofa with her eyes closed.

"Hey! Pen! Pen!", he gently shook her shoulder and the blonde woman opened her eyes, meeting with her boyfriend concerning blue ones, "are you alright, dear? You look really tired and you've got bags under your eyes?", he questioned sympathetically.

"I'm fine, babe! I just haven't been sleeping well lately!", she replied as she rubbed her eyes, "awwww, you poor thing, you should get some rest because your shift doesn't start until five!", he passionately kissed her forehead.

They were then interrupted by the sound of their doorbell and they both looked at each other in confusion as they weren't expecting anyone today, "I'll go get the door, while you finish eating, honey!", his lover got up from her seat and walked to the door.

She opened the front door and she saw a woman with black hair running down the street, which made her furrow her eyebrows in suspicion, before she laid her eyes on the tiny baby with curly blonde hair and blue eyes wrapped in a pink blanket inside a basket.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now