Chapter 24 - Froggy fantasy

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Everyone in the house was peacefully sleeping, which matched the atmosphere outside as the warm weather made everything seem more pleasant cheerful.

Sam stirred in his sleep, until he opened his eyes to see his partner tossing and turning on bed, so he placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her from moving and make her realise that he was awake too.

"Is everything ok, honey? You seem really restless and fidgety tonight!", he asked sympathetically, "I'm fine, I'm just having trouble falling asleep. Sorry if I woke you up, babe!", Penny remorsefully apologised.

"No need to apologise, love! And come here so I can help the love of my life gain her beauty sleep, because today your teaching Norman Price fire safety after his incident with locking James in the changing room!", the red haired man reminded her as he got out of bed and stripped his pyjamas off and laid back down on his boxers.

"Urghhh! Don't remind me. That means I need my sleep more than ever!", the blonde woman suggested as she stared at her significant others body that was only covered with his underwear, causing her to smile widely.

"It certainly does, now less talking and more stripping like me!", the hero next door stripped his girlfriends pyjamas off, leaning her in her undergarments just like him, before widening his legs and placing her in between them with her belly on top of his.

Their faces were literally centermetres apart and could feel each others breaths on their bare skin as they both leaned in for a passionate goodnight kiss on the lips, before Penny rested her chin on her lovers warm chest, instantly drifting off to sleep and he did the same.

The morning came quickly and Penny woke up in her lingerie in her partners arms, lifting her head infilling off his chest as she wanted to relish and stay close to his bare skin a few minutes longer, but she knew that she had to get up for her jog.

The second lead firefighter got out of bed and changed into a pair of dark purple sweatpants and a hoodie, before quietly leaving the room and checking on their daughter, who was still fast asleep as she left the house.

The blonde woman started jogging to help with her mentality as she channels her anger and frustration into physical exercise that improves her performance and gives her a clear head as teaching Norman Price about safety is going to take everything out of her, especially since he's the most naughtiest boy in town.

After two hours of jogging around the hole of Pontypandy and the fields, Penny returned home pooling with sweat all over herself and wiped her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand.

She walked upstairs into her partners shared bedroom and entered to see the love of her life on the floor holding a tiny pair of feet together as the little girl lying down on the changing mat was crying loudly while having her nappy changed.

"What's up with Sofia?", she questioned worriedly as she sat next to her partner on the floor and watched her daughter wailing as he was wiping the mess off her bum.

"She's in a bad mood and doesn't want me to clean her because she wants to play, but I can't leave her in a padded covering full of poo all morning now can I!", he enlightened her as he was battling their daughter during a change.

"Awww, you poor thing. Mummy and daddy just want to make you nice and clean, so you don't get a rash and start screaming in pain because of a sore, red lady parts!", the blonde woman cooed and caressed the one year olds cheek with her thumb to help soothe her, which worked with a little while like a miracle.

Once Sofia had been cleaned, had a fresh nappy around her buttocks that was taped by her dad and was dressed into a t-shirt and shorts, she ran off to play downstairs, leaving her parents on their own.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now