Chapter 4

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Sam retreated down to the living room and grabbed a book from his suitcase to quietly read as his sick friend was resting in her room.

One hour later, he shot up from his seat on the sofa to the sound of a feminine scream coming from upstairs, "oh, Penny!", his eyes widened in shock as he ran upstairs and entered her room.

He saw the poorly woman sitting up with tears flowing out of her eyes and taking slow, deep breaths to calm her tense state.

"Are you ok, Pen?", the red haired man questioned sympathetically as he walked closer to her, "no, I had a nightmare, achoo, achoo, and I feel worse!", she replied with her scratchy throat, trying to control her stuttering.

He pulled the blonde woman's head towards his chest and rubbed her side to soothe her and reassure her that everything is going to be alright.

"Shh, shh, it's ok, it's ok, everyone gets nightmares and we all fear them, but I'm here now, so there's no need to worry!", the hero next door held her close to him.

Once the sick female had calmed down, she pulled her head away from her friends chest, even though she was enjoying his soft words and warm, strong body.

The lead firefighter could now see that his BFF'S face was looking deathly pale, so he pressed a hand against her forehead to feel her temperature, but rapidly let go after a second, which caused her to furrow her brows.

"Wow, you feel like fire and you look dreadfully pale, so I'm going to take your temperature and then I'll help you into the bath to cool you down!", Sam rambled and she nodded her head in response to rest her sore throat.

He grabbed a thermometer and told Penny to open wide to place it inside her mouth, leaving it there for a few seconds, before taking it out to read what it says.

"OMG! your cold must've turned into a fever, because your temperature is 38.9°C. Your definitely going to need a lukewarm bath now!", his eyes widened in surprise, "yeah, Helen did say, cough, cough, that it would get, achoo, achoo, worse before it gets better, cough, achoo!", she spoke hoarsely.

The hero next door then helped his sick friend get out of bed and he wrapped an arm around her back to support her as he held her hand to help her walk to the bathroom.

Once they had reached the lavatory, he helped her take her pyjamas off and he could feel his dick rapidly pulsating and strongly erecting in his tight trousers from his crushes tempting and sexy curves as she stood in her lingerie, making her blonde hair look radiant.

"Samuel! I maybe ill, but, cough, cough, I'm still aware of my, achoo, achoo, senses, so could you please leave, cough, achoo, before you see my intimate, cough, cough, cough, parts and make things feel, achoo, achoo, uncomfortable!", the blonde woman ranted, interrupting his thoughts.

"Of course, but I'll be sitting on the stairs, so don't hesitate to call me if you need anything!", the red haired man placed a hand on her cheek and filled the tub with cool water, before leaving the room to give her some privacy.

The poorly woman then took her underwear off and sat on the toilet to pee, before getting into the bath and feeling the cool water again her boiling body, making her feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

Forty-five minutes later, she climbed out of the bathtub and wrapped a towel around the torso like a dress as she exited the room and sat next to her crush on the stairs.

Sam looked at the woman sitting next to him and softly smiled, "did you have a nice bath?", he questioned kindly, "it was, achoo, achoo, really good!", Penny rested her head on his shoulder and he rubbed her back.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now