Chapter 17 - Revelation

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It was four o'clock in the morning and while Penny was doing a night shift in the station, everyone else in the house were fast asleep, for now anyway.

Sam then woke up at 04:05am to the sounds of the newborn crying loudly, so he got out of the double bed and walked around to the crib on his partners side of the bed, staring at their soon to be little girl, who was clearly unhappy.

"It's ok, my precious pearl! It's ok, daddy's here for you !", he cooed as he lifted Sofia out of her cot and took a big sniff in between her legs.

"Ohhh, a lot must've came out of your bottom to make your padded covering that smelly!", he pinched his nose to stop himself from breathing in the horrible scent that stunk really bad.

The red haired man held his little girl against his chest as he sat on the bed and reached for the bottle full of breast milk, before lowering her down onto his lap.

The hero next door fed his almost adoptive daughter the liquid food that is needed for her to grow and placed her on his left shoulder after she was full, smoothly rubbing and patting her back, until a loud burp came out from all the air in her tummy.

"There we go, my big, hungry baby! Now, let's see what's going on inside your ass and make you feel comfortable enough to fall back to sleep!", he laid his baby girl down on the mattress in front of him.

The lead firefighter then opened the tapes on Sofia's diaper and held her ankles together in the air as he wiped her bum from front to back with several wipes to clean the poop off her skin, before taping a fresh padded covering around her tushie.

"There we go, now your all fresh as a rose again, sweetie!", her dad cooed as he blew raspberries on her tummy, making her giggle.

The lead firefighter then lifted his daughter up and slowly swayed his hips, while patting her buttocks to mimick the sound of the mothers heartbeat that she would hear during her time in her womb.

The blonde newborn instantly fell asleep to the noise and her dad placed her back in her crib as he got under the covers of his bed to go back to sleep aswell.

The morning came quickly and Sam woke up to the warmth in the room, yawning loudly and rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes, before he turned around to see his daughter still fast asleep.

He then quietly climbed out of bed, because with his partner at work, the last thing he needs is for Sofia to wake up while he's in the bath and unable to come to her aid.

The hero next door slipped into the bathroom, taking all his clothes off to pee on the toilet and then soak his body into the warm water of the bathtub, loving how the temperatured water made him feel rejuvenated and at peace with the world.

Twenty minutes later, he exited the lavatory and entered his room with a towel wrapped around his waist, checking on his little girl, who was now wide awake in her crib.

He quickly got dressed into his station uniform to join the love of his life on his shift later, before lifting Sofia out of her cot, "good morning my little flower! Now let's get you ready to meet your uncle Charlie!", he cooed as he walked downstairs with her.

The red haired man fed and burped his precious pearl, before laying her down on the sofa and securely being surrounded by pillows, while he went into the kitchen to start making himself some cereal for breakfast.

Once Sam had finished his cereal, he changed his newborns diaper full of pee and got her dressed into a purple baby grow with a matching hat to keep her head cool.

Now that the hero next door was already for work, he put his rucksack on and put his little girl inside the baby carrier around his waist with her changing bag on his shoulder as he left the house and walked towards the hole fish cafe.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now