Chapter 9 - 5th day of recovery

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Sam woke up to the warm, bright glow of sun shining on his face in his boxers and rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, before yawning and staring at his new girlfriend with twinkly eyes.

When Penny had finally woke up as well in her lingerie, she stared into her new lovers sky blue eyes and smiled softly as she stared at his wonderful presence.

"Hi Pen! How are you feeling?", he questioned sympathetically as he placed his hand against her forehead to feel her temperature, which felt nice and cool compared to the beginning of her fever when she was hot as a volcano for one minute and then the next, as cold as an iceberg.

"I'm feeling a lot better, thanks Doctor Jones! My temperature feels great, I've stopped vomiting, I don't feel weak at all and my sneezing and coughing has finally stopped!", she spoke enthusiastically, feeling relieved of no longer being ill.

The love birds leaned in for a short kiss on the lips and just enjoyed each others comfort and skin, before they interlaced their fingers and headed down into the kitchen.

They both helped tie the back of each others aprons and washed their hands thoroughly with soap as they started cooking breakfast together, getting the mess all over their skin. 

When they had finished cooking waffles with a variety of fruits and juices for breakfast, they cleaned themselves off and sat down together on the sofa, enjoying the magnificent meal they had cooked, while snuggling into each other.

Once they had finished breakfast, they wrapped their arms around each other as they cuddled on the sofa and Sam discreetly slipped his hand into the back of her panties, but she noticed.

"Please don't do anything like that just yet, dear! I want to take it slow!", Penny took his hands out and gave him a playful slap on the shoulder as a punishment.

"I think we should start getting dressed now, if we want to go abseiling on time!", the blonde woman got up, but instantly stopped, whispering, "oh no!", to herself when she felt an unbearable pain in her tummy, realising what it could be, but she wished for it to be wrong.

"Pen! Are you alright?", the red haired questioned in concern as he stood next to her and she tightened her grip around his wrist as she took deep breaths.

"I think I'll be alright, babe! But I'm desperate for a pee!", she made up an excuse as she let go of him and headed upstairs to the lavatory.

She rushed into the bathroom, stripping her panties off and staring at the huge blood marks that had covered the fabric.

The second lead firefighter sat on the toilet to do her business and put a pad onto her new underwear, before getting up to wash her hands thoroughly with soap.

Penny started feeling a little nauseous all of a sudden, but she ignored it, because she knew that it was only caused by the excruciating period cramps.

Once she had finished in the bathroom, she walked into her room to get dressed into her blue, silky pyjamas as she sat on the rim of her bed for a few minutes to massage her painful abdomen, while also feeling upset that she didn't feel like going abseiling today and worried that it would make her new boyfriend upset.

The second lead firefighter walked downstairs with her head hanging low, scared to make her lover, who she had a crush on from day one very angry at her.

She sat next to her hero next door with her head resting on his bare chest, feeling a little calmer from the extreme pain in her belly.

Sam looked down at his girlfriend and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "how come your not dressed into your climbing clothes, honey? Is everything ok?", he questioned sympathetically.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now