18| Grave Digging

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"Alright, I need you guys to move these chairs and tables out of the way, make sure to leave a few tables behind and just move them to the back of the hall. You three, go help the witches with setting up for catering. And you, go help the vamps over there set up the music," Alexandria assigned all the tasks from the list she was reading with a commanding voice.

When hearing this, the werewolves all dispersed when they were given their respective tasks without any objections.

"What, am I just supposed to stand here and look stupid?" a werewolf voiced out when they realised they were the only one left.

Alexandria smiled innocently and looked up at the remaining werewolf. "You never not look stupid, Micah. But if you're so eager to help, you can grab all the party decorations for the party," she told him in a mocking tone.

Micah's head tilted and he shifted his posture, looking up at his Alpha from the bottom of the stairs. "You expect me to do that all by myself?" he asked in disbelief.

Alexandria simply shrugged and looked back down at the paper in her hands. "I don't care how you do it. I just want it done in the next thirty minutes because if you don't, you're gonna be dealing with the witches, not me."

Micah scoffed and shook his head slightly. But he was wise to not disobey, giving his Alpha a sharp look before storming off with his jaw clenched.

"I see you're adjusting to your new position as well," Hope commented as she walked up to the girl.

Alexandria's eyes darted to the person. Seeing Hope, she muttered a small greeting before looking back down at the list. Checking each point off mentally and figuring out what still needed to be done by later that evening. She felt a small amount of tension relieved from her body now that she didn't have a group of werewolves staring at her beady-eyed and patiently waiting to be told what to do. Finally, they weren't following her around like a pack of lost puppies.

She walked down to the bottom of the stairs where Hope was without properly looking and stood in front of her. "Oh no, I'm silently freaking out and I'm barely holding it together. But Lizzie will have my head if this isn't her definition of perfect. So I'm currently pushing down all my anxiety as I look at this ridiculously long list that she gave me," Alexandria rambled without taking a second to breathe and showed Hope the paper with roughly about thirty different items.

Hope awkwardly smiled to cover up her worry, quickly scanning the list before gently lowering the werewolf's hands. "Okay, well it seems you've covered basically everything on here. The witches and vamps can take care of the rest, so how about you take a break?" she suggested.

"I still have a bunch of things to do," Alexandria protested with a shaky exhale. "And I need to find Rafael, I haven't seen him all morning. He didn't exactly take it well when I told him about Landon. Oh and don't even get me started on Jed..." she continued and ran both her hands over her face, her next words coming out as a mumble before Hope grabbed the werewolf's wrists, stopping her from rambling further.

My Curse • Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now