10| How to Take Down a Dragon

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Alexandria was just about to go to her dorm room to get a quick nap in. Having studied non-stop for upcoming exams, tests and other assignments, she was exhausted. Thankfully, with the annual football game today, she didn't have any other classes to attend to do.

Making her way through the crowd of students, she hears Dr. Saltzman say something that piqued her interest.

"Look, girls-- with Landon running around, knowing all our secrets, we have to protect our profile now more than ever. Can I count on you guys do to that?"

Alexandria sees the Gemini Twins hesitate for a moment before nodding in agreement with what their dad had said.

"All right. I love you both. We'll be back as soon as we can," Dr. Saltzman says, leaving the two girls to get ready for their game.

"Wait-- who's 'we?'" Lizzie frowns.

Dr. Saltzman was at the front doors of the school when he notices a certain blonde werewolf about to leave, so he quickly called out to her, "Oh, Alex. There you are, I've been looking for you all morning. I need you to come with me today so I can keep an eye on you."

Confused, Alexandria didn't question it. Since she knew he was just looking for extra hands to deal with Landon Kirby. And it seemed like a good way to keep the girl far away from the humans.

"Really, dad? Even Alex?" Josie whined in annoyance and Alexandria gives her a sympathetic look and mouthed sorry to her friend.

~ * ~

Dr. Saltzman and Alexandria walked outside the school doors to see Hope and Rafael bickering about something next to the car.

"I have actual magic powers," Hope says.

"And I have a long history of anger issues," Rafael shot back at her.

Anger issues vs. actual magic powers. Seems a little redundant if you ask Alexandria. The Sinclair werewolf walked past Rafael, pushing past him so she could get to the car door he was standing in front of.

"Yeah, and so do I buddy. You're not special," Alexandria decides to chime in.

Rafael opened his mouth to answer back but Alaric interrupts him before things got any worse between the two werewolves. "He can come," Alaric called out, walking up to the three students.

"What?" Hope asks in disbelief, annoyed that even more people would be tagging along.

"He knows Landon; he'll be an asset. And we need all the help we can get, so fix the car and hop in," he explained.

Irritated, Hope gave Rafael a fake smile before walking around to the other side of the car.

"And put a shirt on."

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